F-5F Tiger
2 8 December 2018, 13:10

This is actually my first kit i'm using an airbrush. I thought it makes sense to work on a smaller project before continuing my 1:48 models. So this some kind of a test object for my airbrush skills... With the cockpit i'm quite happy, it's again an improvement over my first two projects. Hopefully i can stay on this learning curve 😉
9 December 2018, 15:55

Not yet done! 😉 was the first time that i did a gloss coat before applying the decals (was definately an improvement, but i think i didn't cover enough in some places). The italeri decals are also quite a handful to work with and they also seem to be a bit overscaled.
28 January 2019, 21:32

Just of the bench! Still improving my skills and experimenting with different techniques. Besides using an airbrush for the first time I also used Flory Models Washes. The outcome was some kind of a mixed bag, but I believe that this is also caused by the raised panel lines, where the wash could not stick to very good. Also it seems that I didn't mask the front cockpit glass well enough, it got very cloudy (and my efforts to improve the situation made it even worse). One more lesson learned... Otherwise, I'm quite happy with the result!
25 February 2019, 20:40