Do 335 B-2
5 26 January 2019, 12:24

The RLM 76 came out a little bit to grainy for my taste. I guess I should have reduced the pressure a little... I will polish it a bit, that usually does the trick 😉 The plan for today/tomorrow is to spray the insignias (Balkenkreuze, numbers and this kind of thing) plus the wheel bays.
Big thanks for your interest mates! 👍
29 March 2019, 09:57

Thanks Rv!
So....All major insignia masked & painted. Next stepp is smoothen the surface a bit with 12000 grit micro mesh, detail painting and gloss coat 🙂
30 March 2019, 13:48

Painting is looking great. Definitely some inspiration for that B4 in my projects!
30 March 2019, 21:04

Sounds promissing Nathan 👍 Are you scratch building the wing extensions or AM set?
31 March 2019, 08:31

very nice indeed! like the different hues of the panels....on to the next two
1 April 2019, 17:04

Thanks mates! You warm my heart 😉 👍
Concerning "the others".... don't hold your breath, I might do something else right now (possibly something jet-ish) Haven't decided yet what exactly....the size of my stash doesn't make it much easier 🙂
2 April 2019, 09:14

I know what you mean about the stash, that's why I've decided to sell most of it
2 April 2019, 09:35