Tamiya 1/35 Char B1 bis Battle TankAffichage: Diaporama Mosaïque Liste« Prev12Next » 1234567891011121314151617 Photo 1 of 17Commentaires17 February 2019, 18:37Rui SNice progress. I'm in 17 February 2019, 20:30Jonathan Atkinson Auteurthanks 17 February 2019, 22:25Mark BrinkleyLooking good. Watching! 16 March 2019, 21:00Rui SNice camo 👍 17 March 2019, 11:52Jonathan Atkinson AuteurThanks, I'm hoping to put the decals on it and put the tracks on it next weekend 17 March 2019, 12:56Mark BrinkleyBrilliant can't wait to see 17 March 2019, 13:07Project infoChar B1 bis Battle Tank17 images1:35ComplétéChar B1 bis Armée de Terre (French Army 1455-now)2 Arm. Div. 257Mai 1940Bourrasque Tous les albumsVoir tous les albums »