July 31, 20192
July 31, 2019Some foil for the cabin lagging and some details were added to the interior.3
July 31, 2019Some texture for the seats.4
July 31, 2019Painted and washed, ready for the cabin mount.5
July 31, 2019Seatbelts are made from tape.6
July 31, 20197
July 31, 2019Fitting was very good, only little putty was needed.8
July 31, 2019The doors were masked and painted on both sides.9
July 31, 201910
July 31, 2019I added a reflector to the landing light.11
July 31, 2019Some rivets give more live to the fuselage.12
July 31, 201913
July 31, 201914
July 31, 2019Replacement of the exhausts.15
July 31, 201916
July 31, 2019The steps from the kit were to massive, so I replaced them by rod.17
July 31, 201918
July 31, 2019Overall color is Gunze H309.19
July 31, 201920
July 31, 201921
July 31, 2019Decals came from my sparebox and from a "Flying Colors Aerodecals" sheet.22
July 31, 201923
July 31, 2019
1 31 July 2019, 14:22