Naramsuper impressive
18 May 2020, 05:37
JDAh, Jeanette, my favorite sci-fi maker! Great scratch building as always! 👍
4 July 2020, 19:14
SkyhikerJeanette, you trip me out. Amazing as always.
5 July 2020, 00:56
Daniel KVery nice Razorback model. Great extra details!
7 August 2020, 12:43
Naramhi Jannette, could you please let me know how did you manage to make it through 3D printing, where did you find the plan ?
28 October 2020, 14:30
Brandon HWhoa! Highly cool!
28 October 2020, 19:55
David TaylorYour sci-fi stuff is great.
28 October 2020, 21:23
SpanjaardTruly impressive!
12 July 2021, 15:34
Dash RendarWow, very awesome indeed!
13 July 2021, 14:28