SA-365 Dauphin N3+ French NAVY
15 29 March 2020, 09:10

Nice search light. 🙂
Maybe I've asked you this before (I don't remember), what material did you use to create these tiny silvery metal clamps for the wires?
29 March 2020, 10:29

@Treehugger : for the clamps, i use lead foil you can find around the top of botttles of wine
i just cut little strips and i glue it by cyano glue
29 March 2020, 13:01

Ronan, lead and cyano don't do that well after time. There is a slow corrosion process going on there and the result isn't reworkable, nor healthy per se.
29 March 2020, 16:35

Found the link showing the problem:
29 March 2020, 16:58

Most of my models contain balls of lead glued by ca ...
i will use white glue now
29 March 2020, 17:05

I don't think the foil around wine bottles is still made from lead, but from aluminum. Same material that is found as seal on plastic milk bottles, in case you run out of wine.
29 March 2020, 18:08