Leopard 1A1 - Norwegian Royal ArmyAffichage: Diaporama Mosaïque Liste 1June 5, 2020 2June 5, 2020 3June 5, 2020 4June 5, 2020 5June 5, 2020 6June 5, 2020 7June 5, 2020 8June 5, 2020 9June 5, 2020 10June 5, 2020 11June 5, 2020 12June 5, 2020 13June 5, 2020 Commentaires 1 5 June 2020, 16:27Album infoassembled from box with some adds in scratchbuilding and accessories Italeri.Leopard 1A1 Norwegian Royal Army13 images1:35ComplétéLeopard 1A1 Hæren (Royal Norwegian Army 1628-now)97139 (22)1988FS34102 FS24064 FS36044 FS36120 Tous les albumsVoir tous les albums »