KAZ-608V (КАЗ-608В) AVD ModelsAffichage: Diaporama Mosaïque Liste 12345678910 Photo 1 of 10Commentaires 12 6 August 2020, 02:39Rui SAnother excellent work and weathering 👍 6 August 2020, 13:26Mike SzwarcYou're really a master at weathering! 👍 👍 👍 6 August 2020, 13:28Maxim Scale Soul AuteurOh thanks 🙂 I'm just teaching. 6 August 2020, 21:39NeulingTop notch! An ugly beauty! 7 August 2020, 15:20Project infoKAZ-608V (КАЗ-608В) AVD Models10 images1:43ComplétéTous les albumsVoir tous les albums »