Kübelwagen Type 82 progress
11 14 November 2020, 17:14

I've started work on the Kübelwagen that will go with the Bf 109G-2 Trop.
Everything is assembled and waiting for the first layer of paint.
14 November 2020, 17:16

Some more progress on the Kübelwagen. Everything is painted and the decals are on. Next step is weathering.
19 November 2020, 13:57

The little Kübelwagen is finished. Next will be finishing the figures and adding some dust and oil to the little car.
7 December 2020, 15:24

Thanks Laurent! 🙂
I have assembled and painted the figures and consider this project finished. On to the next one!😉
19 December 2020, 21:50

Good work! Now is time to put these beautiful builds on a common base!
20 December 2020, 10:40
Album info
Progress pictures of the Kübelwagen Type 82 I'm building as a complement to the Bf 109G-2 Trop.