Bf 109E-7 In progress + finished
27 7 January 2021, 13:13

Fantastic work Jakub! Great work on the cockpit and the paint job is top notch! Reminds me I must build me a DAK Emil once too 🙂
3 February 2021, 21:37

Thank you very much Erik! Definitelly go for tropical one! At least, it looks interesting on the shelf among all those grey-green-grey-green-grey-.......planes 🙂
4 February 2021, 11:38

Fantastic result Jakub! I really like your weathering, not too much, just perfect.
11 March 2021, 08:08

Thank you very much mates! Appreciate Erik, the weathering is exactly what i admire on your models 🙂
11 March 2021, 15:53

Gorgeous looking Emil, done in one of my favorite paint schemes. Awesome work Jakub👍
11 March 2021, 15:59