Final-The End
7 21 January 2021, 22:38

Wow! Absolutely amazing work from head to toe. Flawless construction underneath a wonderful paint job! Love all the details like the ejection seat, the pilot and especially the armament. Very impressive.
22 January 2021, 09:59

Awesome looking Viper! Very detailed work on every single corner! Makes a lot of fun to go through all those pics!
22 January 2021, 10:24

Helmut Fraundorfer
Thank you so much. It's good to hear these from a master like you.
22 January 2021, 20:22

You are too kind Ömer but I am far from having mastered anything in this hobby. 😄 It brings a lot of joy and that's what counts. If anything I need to call you a master, I scrolled thru your builds and they are all amazing! What`s on your bench now?
27 January 2021, 06:47

Thank you so much. I was going to make a 32 scale F4 Phantom, but I learned that the kit I had was not related to the Turkish plane. I opened Merkava 4, but Israel has painted a very different paint. israeli green (Sinai Gray) I don't have this dye. Either I'm going to mix it up or something else. I am confused and these 32 scales were a bit tired. But I also have 24 scales of BF109. It wouldn't be obvious.
27 January 2021, 07:44