Resistance T-70 X-Wing prototype
19 3 February 2021, 05:14

First date with Stynylrez Primer went extremely well, and I almost scored, except I was surprised when She turned out to be........Gun Metal.. 😮
4 February 2021, 05:47

Progress report: Stynylrez primer has exceeded my expectations and has performed beautifully. I love the way she looks all in black, before any markings. Maybe it's a stealth prototype.. 🤔
9 February 2021, 06:09

Looking awesome JD, that black is great. Prototype is a nice idea, maybe with some coded markings? Great mug 👍
9 February 2021, 07:44

I guess coded wasn't a good word, I was thinking some alien glyphs in a Predator kind of way 🙂 Nice design in pic 10 👍
11 February 2021, 07:50

Ooo, now I have an idea.. lookup the various Rebel Alliance symbols and cast your vote! I already know the one that I think most represents this prototype ship..can you guess?
11 February 2021, 08:00

There is only one known pre production prototype of the Incom T-70 X-wing Starfighter, and here it is. Hope you all enjoy it! 😄 JD
18 February 2021, 03:56

Thanks a lot everyone! By the way, when you press down on Bb-8 he talks, press again and you hear the engines roar, and laser blast sounds!
19 February 2021, 04:31