Project 057 -- Smokey & the Bandit '77 Firebird
Photo 1 of 1
8 1 March 2021, 18:35

Hey Nathan how's FL treating you? (if I remember correctly)
1 March 2021, 19:35

A-OK here Chris. The weather is perfect and the oaks think it is spring already. 🙂 Glad to see you back here building kits again.
1 March 2021, 19:47

"What We're Dealing With Here, Is A Complete Lack Of Respect For The Law."
Youtube Video

1 March 2021, 20:06

I did this one, great kit, pin-striping can get a bit tricky but knowing Chris's skills he's got this one in the bag. Here is mine if it helps for reference.
1977 Pontiac Firebird -Smokey and the Bandit- Trigger | Album by springfieldm14 (1:25)
2 March 2021, 06:19

You do remember I build for Chris's crazy used car lot... If there are dings and boo-boos, I don't mind, they'll fit right in! Just having fun trying to fill my crazy used car lot 😛
2 March 2021, 18:55

Coinkydink! I just saw that movie a few minutes ago!
2 March 2021, 21:11

So Bob... How's the municipal meter maid job going? That was your gig right? 😛 Make sure you have enough chalk in your chalk stick for marking tires 😛
2 March 2021, 23:21

I'd love to see a meter maid truck pull ANYTHING out of the snow... lol jk.. Other then the weird ass snow, How is Super Trooper Bob? (These snozzberries taste like snozzberries lol)
2 March 2021, 23:39

Bill!! You snuck in! How are you? How is ..... state/area? (Doh.. forgot lol) and life in general?
2 March 2021, 23:53

This may be normal for you, but we don't do snow too well ! AHHHHH !!!!!!
3 March 2021, 00:03

Dang... is that a personal pic? That's wicked rough! It may be more normal for me, but people still drive like dumbshits lol
3 March 2021, 01:22

Chris, Salem, OR AKA the Great Northwest. Beautiful scenery, generally mild weather but horribly Liberal politics. We had a recent ice storm that broke branches off of dang near every tree in the valley. At one point 87% of our county was with out power. My house was one of the lucky ones. We had power but the internet went down from Friday to Wednesday. The power companies have gotten most everyone back up. The arborists are still cleaning up the mess. Free firewood is everywhere.
3 March 2021, 02:02

Wow... you had it rough my man AND your internet was out for 5 days... God how did you survive lol
I'm up near Seattle... AKA the Greater Northwest 😛
3 March 2021, 04:38

Glad to see after a year you're still a wacky nutter 😛
And Texas is all like... hrmm... Bob looks fine... Give him keys, a gun and some shiny lights to play with... that's the only way that ever happened 😛
3 March 2021, 07:12

Chris, that comment to Bob is a bit rich coming as it does from Twin Peaks!
5 March 2021, 22:55

You know, you should really do a Twin Peaks vehicle collection Chris, I think most of them are available in plastic, or close enough
5 March 2021, 22:56