MyAlbumAffichage: Diaporama Mosaïque Liste« Prev123Next » 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728 Photo 1 of 28Commentaires 40 26 April 2021, 06:27TomGreat detail 👍 4 June 2021, 05:42Chen Pan AuteurThank you Tom! 7 June 2021, 04:06Carlos Wang做的不錯啊 13 June 2023, 11:26Chen Pan Auteur謝謝肯定 15 June 2023, 03:02Carlos Wang我買了朝鮮戰爭的那個版本,希望能做的跟你一樣好 15 June 2023, 05:02Michael Razznice one,specialy the interior is a eyecatcher for me. 8 April 2024, 06:38Chen Pan AuteurThanks Razz! You see I paint the interior 2 times (the first was not satisfactory) although I can see anything after completion 6 February, 03:40Rui SGreat pair 👍 6 February, 19:06Project infoItaleri T34/8528 images1:35En coursTous les albumsVoir tous les albums »