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Mark K (Ladislas)

Kenworth dump truck


5 2 May 2021, 22:15
Mark K Auteur
Only problem so far is that the two openings for the split windshield are different in size and shape...
 2 May 2021, 22:17
Alex K
Interesting project...
 3 May 2021, 02:19
Ben M
That's a fun vintage kit
 3 May 2021, 03:52
Mark K Auteur
Still filing away at the windshield openings...
 7 May 2021, 20:53
Logan Eden
Good Morning, Mark Only one photo!!! Fascinated with the kit/build. Please keep posting!! Catch Ya, Logan
 8 May 2021, 12:55
Alex K
$hit happens, but I do hope you'll persevere!
 22 May 2021, 17:12
Mark K Auteur
Oh, yes - sharpening a toothpick now...
 22 May 2021, 19:16

Album info

60-year-old Ulrich kit.

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