Jedi Master Yoda
35 14 June 2021, 08:23

WOW WOW WOW! What a presentation. The force was really strong with you on this one! I'm sur your mother liked it so much. So well done!!! 👍
14 June 2021, 10:44

Thanks mates! I completed this in only two days. I never set deadlines for my projects, but this time I did. Maybe that's why it seems to take me forever to finish a build..? Anyway, the time crunch helped me focus and get something accomplished without thinking about it too much like I usually do, and I'm very happy with the result! ?
14 June 2021, 21:05

I appreciate your comments everyone! I'm glad you like it. He's now in a display case at my Mum's house 😁
6 March 2022, 20:40
Album info
For my Mother.. Happy 79th Birthday!