J 28B - De Havilland Vampire - Special Hobby
42 18 October 2021, 09:55

Should be a quick build between the endless sanding sessions of my Il-28 project. Out of the box with just a few photo-etched details.
18 October 2021, 09:57

You are a busy man! And always very interesting kits and subjects!
19 October 2021, 18:08

Thank you gentlemen! 🙂 This is really the most fun build I have done in a long while. An excellent kit from Special Hobby - it almost falls together by itself. Now primed and ready for the first paint layer.
19 October 2021, 18:20

Very nice Thomas! I have the similar Swiss Air Force (Pinocchio Nose) in my stash and plan to build its soon. The "liquid styrene" is interesting - is this your own mix?
19 October 2021, 20:21

Mid_Franconian, yes it is. I cut a leftover plastic sprue tree into small pieces, about 5 mm and put them in a bottle of Tamiya Extra Thin Cement. After a few days it has completely dissolved and can be applied with the built in brush applicator. It should have the consistency of honey. If it is too thin, more sprue is needed. If too thick, more cement.
19 October 2021, 20:27

Thanks for quick reply! One last thing: how long does it take to cure approx.? Thanks in advance!
19 October 2021, 20:39

I usually give it 24 hours before sanding. After all, it melts the plastic and fuses the new styrene into the surface.
20 October 2021, 05:06

if this is such a nice kit I will go for one too, especially after my good experiences with Special Hobbys Super Mystere.
12 November 2021, 13:50

Approaching the finish line in a perfect style! Fantastic work so far, Thomas!
12 November 2021, 14:24

Gloss coat applied. The real Swedish Vampires actually had a glossy and very clean paintcoat, so I might keep it even after decalling and weathering although I don't generally like the look of shiny aircraft models.
23 November 2021, 06:18

Wow! The self leveling capability of the Gauzy agent is impressive 😮 I cannot tell that it has been applied by brush!
23 November 2021, 20:42

Mid Franconian, yes it is really great stuff. You don't get a showroom car shine with a brush, but it's great as base for decals and for sealing the paint before applying weathering.
24 November 2021, 13:48

Guess not, Łukasz! 🙂 It's quite a nice part of a model building project, don't you think?
30 November 2021, 21:56

Just beautiful. So you mention you use super hot water, I used to do this too, but decal instructions always seem to say to use lukewarm water. Are there any downsides to using hot water? I feel that it helps the decal release from the paper backing better.
1 December 2021, 00:01

Ben, thank you. Yes, I am always using hot water (not boiling, but the hottest from the tap) as it makes the decals slide away from the backing paper very quickly and thus retain all the advesive. It's even more important with own decals, the ones I print myself on blank decal paper. I have never seen any issues with it.
1 December 2021, 06:07

It is indeed, that's why my Super Hornet tempts me so much every time I look at its box
1 December 2021, 08:36

Frankly speaking, you make me consider joining you with Airfix Vampire T in Swedish colors, Thomas 😉
2 December 2021, 20:17

Robert, ha ha, shall we have a group build? I was just contemplating placing an order for that kit. The Vampire is such a cool little aircraft and looks surprisingly good as a model.
2 December 2021, 21:15

Decalling and some very mild weathering done (I really want this model to look nice and clean). Let's call it finished!
3 December 2021, 16:24

Thanks Robert, but the Vampire is a tough little sucker to photograph because of the semi-glossy surface. The LED lights in my workshop makes it look kind of dark gray? I will try outdoors if we get a bit of sunshine this weekend.
3 December 2021, 18:17

Very nice and fantastic result, Thomas. I like the last pics with the Łukasz's hangar 😉
3 December 2021, 18:48

Forgot to add a photo of the finished underside, so here is one, photo #54.
5 December 2021, 13:16