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new gal
Sarah-Jane (new gal)


Photo 1 of 2


12 19 October 2021, 19:26
Very nice build hope to see some more
 22 January 2023, 12:58
Kyle DeHart
Does look nice.
 22 January 2023, 13:19
Sarah-Jane Auteur
Many thanks for the kind words, it's very kind of you
 23 January 2023, 10:24
Andrew dyson
Very nice. Where did the wheels come from please?
 23 January 2023, 11:07
Sarah-Jane Auteur
The wheels were standard kit parts, the kit is the Tamiya Arai version, hope this helps
 23 January 2023, 15:28
Andrew dyson
Thanks helps a lot
 23 January 2023, 17:11
Calvin Gifford
Very neat!
 7 February 2023, 05:01
Sarah-Jane Auteur
Thank you Calvin
 7 February 2023, 10:04
Calvin Gifford
 7 February 2023, 20:28
Cute! Well done
 19 April 2024, 20:07
Sarah-Jane Auteur
I do like the scooby kits, many thanks
 20 April 2024, 07:19

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