Dragon M1A2 Sep V2 Abrams
21 19 November 2021, 12:23

This kit from DRAGON is horrible, to mount. Every of the large pieces don't fit correctly.
Specially the chain protections are terrible!! It's a pity....
3 December 2021, 19:28

Finally, finished the model. The Diorama will be a scene from the Korean frontier (North to South). This will take me a while...a perfect Christmas vacation leisure 🙂
8 December 2021, 18:05

Very well observed, Lenny! 😉
I didn't find any Korean soldiers in my hobby shops, so I took Russians instead, with nearly no visible faces,
to make sure, that the difference is not too big. But experts as you are here in the forum, noticed it definitely 🙂
25 December 2021, 12:22