My collection so far...
Photo 1 of 1
6 26 December 2021, 14:24

It's an old Hasegawa one... I am trying to find some time to get some good pictures posted. But then I need to find time to remove the dust first 🙂 It's my first build after a long 20+ year pause (I suppose same story with many of the mates over 40 around here).
10 August 2022, 15:01

I found a good idea on how to increase the number of the selves though 🙂
(In case anybody is interested)
10 August 2022, 15:08

sorry, no idea how to avoid dust. maybe the same plastic closing strips used on a shower, but never tried myself. eventually i got a better one (second hand from a shop, for a very good price)
10 August 2022, 15:55
Album info
My display case. Unfortunately it's not dust proof...