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Vojtěch Mertl (vojtechmertl)

Potez 25, Azur 1:72


23 8 February 2022, 12:05
Villiers de Vos
Overall a very nice project.
 8 February 2022, 14:00
David R. Meizoso
Just the perfect amount of weathered paint, I like it very much! Rigging looks awesome!
 8 February 2022, 14:08
Michael Kohl
I agree, the blue paint is perfect, the build very clean and precise. Imho I find the contrast to the clean metal parts a bit too strong compared with the faded paint. I think a bit of weathering there would add even more to the very good impression.
 8 February 2022, 18:04
Vojtěch Mertl Auteur
Thanks all!!
Maybe you're right, Michael, thanks to comment but I'm glad I had the building behind me 🙂
 8 February 2022, 20:23
Michael Kohl
Yeah, with some builds it is just that way. But you can be very satisfied with the achievement. 🙂
 8 February 2022, 22:27
A beauty. I like the slightly faded color blue .........
 9 February 2022, 09:46
very interesting plane, also great result.
 9 February 2022, 10:47
Dietmar Bogatzki
Great paintjob, Vojtech 👍
 9 February 2022, 11:34
Vojtěch Mertl Auteur
Thanks! 🙂
 9 February 2022, 12:00
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Beautiful blue colour! 👍
 9 February 2022, 19:45
Łukasz Gliński
What a lovely build! 👍
 10 February 2022, 09:29
Vojtěch Mertl Auteur
Many thanks 🙂
 10 February 2022, 13:24
Very nice! 👍
 10 February 2022, 13:56

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