F-15E Strike Eagle - work in progress-
85 20 October 2022, 20:33

Nearly finished the cockpit, only the seats and pilots are missing yet.
26 October 2022, 16:46

One weak point of the new Revell F-15E is the wings trailing edge. It´s about 1mm thick *-) . So I sanded it down and replaced the fuel jittison pipe.
1 November 2022, 10:46

Did some steps forward, the main fuselage parts are already joined and the fit was very good.
6 November 2022, 09:59

As a preparation for the lowered intakes, I painted the fuselage to place the decals which will be later hidden by the intakes.
4 December 2022, 16:55

Agreed, cockpit looks nice as all the little scratch building in general. Seems like this kit is not that easy (typical of Revell) but your build shows great progress! 👍
9 December 2022, 00:11

Thanks mate! Yes, where there is light, there is also shadow, especially at Revell. Unfortunately, there are some bugs that shouldn't appear on a 2021 or 2022 tool.
9 December 2022, 14:26

The steel pin is a nice solution. Did you sand it too to get it to a conical shape or was it that way already?
18 December 2022, 12:50

Thanks guys!
@Alexander It already has this shape, it is a kind of nail for certain applications. I only sanded it a bit to blend in with the shape of the nose.
18 December 2022, 13:15

Thanks Daniel. Can you say what kind of nail it is exactly? I would find it quite useful to know.
19 December 2022, 21:27

Thanks Bernd!
@Alexander I have absolout no clue, I found them in the basement of my grqandfathers house, can´t even say how old they are, probably older than me 🙂. Maybee the are kind of nails for wooden skirtings ore something, at least the have no head.
20 December 2022, 12:55

You´re welcome. Just strowl your next craft shop and keep your eyes open. 😉
20 December 2022, 16:17

After the nozzles were finished last week, I continued with the hot section on the fuselage.
31 December 2022, 11:25

Due to my own fault I had to fill and sand at the stabilizers again. There is no visible panelline on the real aircraft between them and the fuselage.
14 January 2023, 09:44

Nice resin you've got there 👍 My bondic makes the chrome underneath matt for some reason 🙁
14 January 2023, 17:04

fortunately there are no problems with this one, was my first try.
28 January 2023, 17:17

Finished the paint job today, some dark and light spots were added and now the Eagle is ready for a clear coat and some decals.
28 January 2023, 17:19

Finished the AIM-120B from Eduard Brassin and AIM-9L from ResKit today. Next are the GBU-12.
25 February 2023, 18:18

Hye Daniel, I will use the Fujimi 72235 BSK-4 - a semi snap-tite kit, which I bought more than 10 years ago ....
12 March 2023, 18:51

Amazing result, Daniel! 👌 Congrats, mate. Thank you for the extensive construction documentation.
13 March 2023, 10:03

Can only agree with the others, great, detailed build and an awesome end result! 👍
13 March 2023, 12:06

Beautiful result, Daniel. Outstanding build and paint job! 👌👍👌 Congratulation.
20 March 2023, 10:53

I call this project done! Thank you all for following and your comments.
21 March 2023, 10:38

This project has been great to see it through the stages and the added details/explanations/issues you've raised have certainly made me think about my future builds. Great work 👍
22 March 2023, 12:38