DHC-4A Caribou
November 3, 2022Sprues2
November 3, 2022Canopy masking - very faint canopy frames. Had to use a light tablet to see them.3
November 3, 2022Cockpit components4
November 3, 2022Cockpit test fit. Had to file down bulkhead to get fuselage halves to meet.5
November 3, 2022Internal assembly6
November 3, 2022painting internal and cockpit fittings7
November 3, 2022Cockpit parts fitted.8
November 3, 20229
November 3, 202210
November 3, 2022The clear parts did not fit. So instead of filing out all the windows I used Kristal Klear to make them, and later did the same with the wing light lens. The canopy was the only clear part in the kit that I used.11
November 3, 2022Making window glass.12
November 3, 202213
November 3, 2022Kristal Klear looks good when dry.14
November 3, 2022Next I needed to add weight to the front to stop tail sitting.15
November 3, 2022This seemed to be enough weight but I did not add the rears doors when checking so it sat on it's tail. If you build this kit, then fill the nose cone as well as the rear doors are solid hunks of plastic.16
November 3, 202217
November 3, 2022You need to scratch build the seat legs as they are not included in the kit. I use 1mm brass rod.18
November 3, 2022Test fit of a seat.19
November 3, 2022Interior now ready for seats.20
November 3, 2022Wing assembly21
November 3, 202222
November 3, 2022Seats fitted. Not the best fit but they can't be readily seen once the fuselage is closed.23
November 3, 2022Main assembly.24
November 3, 2022Gap filling with Liquitex. It is water based an easy to clean up.25
November 3, 2022Engines and cowls assembly. I lost a shaft hub so made a new on from styrene. The engines needed to be drilled out as the shaft did not fit in.26
November 3, 202227
November 3, 202228
November 3, 2022Filling complete and time to install the photo etch components, The PE came with the kit.29
November 3, 202230
November 3, 202231
November 3, 202232
November 3, 2022Window masking complete. I used a Cricut machine to cut the masking tape. Better then using scissors and a knife is out of the question on Kristal Klear windows.33
November 3, 2022Primer.34
November 3, 2022Some seams still visible so filled with Mr Surfacer 50035
November 3, 2022Final gloss white coat.36
November 3, 2022Wheels painted.37
November 3, 2022Masking for black trim38
November 3, 2022Trims done.39
November 3, 2022Engine exhausts painted40
November 3, 2022Engine cowls painted.41
November 3, 2022Engines assemblies. Props rotate.42
November 3, 2022Landing gear installed.43
November 3, 2022Rear door fitted. Stopped the tail sitting.44
November 3, 2022Decals laid down. Not the best decals but I had little issues. As usual, I cut the long thin decals into smaller sections before fitting.45
November 3, 2022Decals all done and a coat of Revie It floor polish added to protect decals.46
November 3, 202247
November 3, 202248
November 3, 202249
November 3, 202250
November 3, 2022Panel lines filled with Tamiya light gray.51
November 3, 2022Finished!!!!52
November 3, 202253
November 3, 202254
November 3, 202255
November 3, 202256
November 3, 202257
November 3, 202258
November 3, 202259
November 3, 2022
3 3 November 2022, 09:23
Album info
Build record of Amodels DHC-4A Caribou. Not a kit for the inexperienced modeler. Lots of work to get bits to fit correctly. Kit detail was lacking.
59 images