Grille 30

I made a start on this build just over a week ago hoping to knock it off before Xmas, but ran into an issue with the tracks. The rubber belt tracks included in the kit are bloody awful, and I had initially decided to replace them with a set of Tamiya King Tiger tracks, until I realized that I'd be about 30 links in total short due to the modified chassis being quite a bit longer.
I then decided to use a set of Friulmodel King Tiger II (ATL-16) track links instead, knowing that I had more than enough spares left over from a previous King Tiger build. However on test fitting, I found that they wouldn't fit the drive wheels on this kit due to the amount of guide horns! Every second link in the ATL-16 set is flat (without guide-horns) and no openings to fit over the drive wheel teeth.
I would of encountered the same issue with the Tamiya tracks (if I had enough links) as well. 🙁
So I have ordered a set of ATL-092 which should both fit, and give me enough links to complete both runs of track as well. The down side is that I probably won't receive them until the end of January next year.
Still, it gives me plenty of time to paint and weather everything while I wait.

Fully understand your frustration. Guess that's why the German lost the war - they couldn't make their tracks easier.
TBH, I hate all sorts of tracks, no matter what types they are made of (rubber, metal, plastic). they are time consuming to assemble and hard to fit for perfect. I always leave them to the last before the overall weathering step.

James sorry to hear about your track troubles. well at least you have a plan, can't wait to see it in action.

@ Lenny - I really don't mind assembling the Friulmodel tracks and actually quite enjoy them unlike the plastic tracks from Bronco and AFV etc. Just a pity that they are so expensive! 😉
@ Murad - Cheers mate 🙂
I considered putting it on hold, and starting something else instead; but decided to just press on with it.
Other than the tracks, it is a very nice kit (I received it as a gift from my brother last Xmas)
The fit was superb and included a single piece slide molded main barrel that has rifling on the inside, as well as photo-etch engine grills. Despite it's large size, there wasn't a lot of parts to it which was the main reason I chose to make a start on it in the first place.
This vehicle never made it off the drawing board, so this will be a "what-if" build, had it gone into production which gives plenty of room to play around with ideas for painting and weathering etc...

What a huge gun!
Count me in James.
Sorry to hear that the tracks are such a problem. I hope the aftermarket ones work out good for you.
Tracks can be quite frustrating but I think with a good set even single-link tracks can be nice and relaxing to assemble and they also look quite good.

Thanks guys 🙂
I got the wheels and basic camouflage pattern completed today, but still need to add the dots for the "ambush" scheme I'm doing as well as detail painting.
Will update the album when done.
@ Robin - Indeed; it's a 30.5cm mortar!

I am keen to see how the pre-shading would help in a camouflage paint scheme. Don't take me wrong James I can see the benefit of pre-shading for single colour paint schemes. Just want to find out how it would help in a complex paint scheme like the ambush.

I did it to help break up the large flat areas of the fighting compartment to add a little visual interest to the paintwork, especially for the lighter "Dunkelgelb" base colour.

Thanks Juskifo 🙂
The replacement tracks arrived finally yesterday, so will hopefully get back to the bench again in the following days...

I made a start on the weathering and also assembled the Fruil track links. Only managed to stab myself with the pin-vise 4 or 5 times, so that was a bonus. Still need to fiddle with them to get them sitting correctly, and need to shorten the run on the right side by 1 link; but am pretty happy with them overall and a vast improvement over the warped tracks that came in the kit.

Nice, coming right along. Not a bad average, only stabbed once every 40 or so links. 😄 Almost makes you wish the "rubber band" tracks weren't so awful.

Thanks John 😉 - Yeah, unfortunately they were just too badly warped to be of any use as there didn't appear to be any way to deal with all the kinks which would have been very noticeable had I tried installing them. While expensive, the Fruil track links were definitely the way to go with this build. Hoping to get them primed and painted later today.

Thanks Villiers, Robin and Guy 🙂
I got the tracks painted, weathered and mounted permanently finally.
Nearing the end of this build now with just a little more paint chipping and weathering to go.
Pics to follow...

Thanks John. I finished it off late yesterday finally.
Will post some pics of the completed build outside later today 🙂

Now that's an eye catcher. Digging the colors and the camo, great result mate. 👍👍👍

Thanks Murad, much appreciated mate 🙂
A very nice kit by Trumpeter, with the only downside being with the lousy tracks that come with it.
Only two decals for the crosses are included, so I raided my spares box for some spare unit numbers.
The replacement friulmodel track links were a perfect fit, and I had more than enough links to complete both track runs. This was also the first set that I have encountered that were "handed", meaning you can hide the connecting wires on the inside of both runs of track.
I made an error during assembly by mistakenly cutting the tow cables 130mm long when they should have been 230mm. Doh! 😳
So, I obviously left them off and they ended up in the spares bin for use on something else in the future instead.
This vehicle never made it past the rough design phase, so I was able to use a fair bit of "artistic license" and imagination; depicting a well worn unit from 1947? had the war dragged on, and it had actually gone into production.
Thanks for following, Cheers! 👍

The slab-like nature of the armor plates really comes through. Great build!

Great build, and very unusual too. Another vehicle I'd never heard of! Congrats James. 👍

Thanks guys 🙂
I'd meant to take a pic of it side by side with the Elephant and King Tiger to give a better idea of how big it is. It dwarfs them both!
Album info
A very nice kit by Trumpeter, with the only downside being with the lousy tracks that come with it.
Only two decals for the crosses are included, so I raided my spares box for some appropriate unit numbers left over from a previous Tamiya build.
The replacement friulmodel track links were a perfect fit, and I had more than enough links to complete both track runs. This was also the first set that I have encountered that were "handed", meaning you can hide the connecting wires on the inside of both runs of track.
Note that I made an error during assembly by mistakenly cutting the tow cables 130mm long when they should have been 230mm. Doh!
This vehicle never made it past the rough design phase, so I was able to use a fair bit of "artistic license" and imagination; depicting a well worn unit from 1947? had the war dragged on, and it had actually gone into production.
Completed January 19th 2023