Nimitz Cat 4Affichage: Diaporama Mosaïque Liste 1December 30, 2022Fujimi kit with Hasegawa kit decals. Built almost completely oob. 2December 30, 2022The formation "slime" lights are from an ancient Detail and Scale sheet and the glue yellows after application. You can see here... 3December 30, 2022The two red boxes by the radar are just scrap sheet plastic. Otherwise the model is as per box. 4December 30, 2022 5December 30, 2022 6December 30, 2022 7December 30, 2022Cockpit is as per kit, just careful painting. Commentaires 6 30 December 2022, 17:11Project infoNimitz Cat 47 images1:72ComplétéTous les albumsVoir tous les albums »