Skyline GT-R
Photo 1 of 16
19 20 January 2023, 19:43

Very even paint job
Will look much different after you put clear on it
Then it may be just what you like
Or you could have put a black undercoat first
22 January 2023, 08:16

Thanks mates,
@Jv I used a light grey primer, black could have helped to make it darker
22 January 2023, 19:58

Yes that was was I was thinking but at the end of the day
Its all a matter of what you like to achieve
I just looked at it a though what I would like
You can still change things if you like
You could go over it whed a light coat of dark metallic brown
To give it a warmer colour
But only a very light thinned out coat
Not that I know much
After all it's your model and you need to build it how you like it
22 January 2023, 20:48

Looks like you're one of the first to finish in the groupbuild. Great colour!
29 April 2023, 09:38
Project info
Création de groupe

Nissan Skyline GT-R
1. Janvier jusqu'à 31. Juillet 2023
1. Janvier jusqu'à 31. Juillet 2023