Chrysler 300 Hemi C Tribute Build
Photo 1 of 75
8 23 January 2023, 19:34

I like this kit a lot. I think, it fits really good and the plastic feels good to. It makes a solid impression. Nice build! Do you have any pictures taken of the completed interior? Why did you call this a "tribute build"? Did you have this car? I guess so because of the made license plates.
24 January 2023, 05:01

It's a good story! The car belonged to my Father-in-law. He lived in Texas, my wife and I in Florida. Whenever we would visit he would let us barrow the 300c. He would say as he handed the keys over, "this car has a reputation, don't let anyone pass you!". If you have ever driven in Texas, some of the rural roads are desolate and you can really open a car up. Anyhow I took his "advise" to heart and drove like the devil. Got a speeding ticket because of my bad luck! Any how, good memories, he was a huge Dallas Cowboys fan and loved this car. I built it as a tribute in his memory. Let me see what pics of the interior I have.
24 January 2023, 13:18

Awesome story 🙂 🙂 "this car has a reputation, don't let anyone pass you!" How cool is that 😄
24 January 2023, 13:45

Hilarious Bob! Only if you patrolled 57 and 35 in the Eagle Pass, Del Rio area. The Trooper told me it took 3 exits to catch me .
24 January 2023, 21:31

Then he's safe, I peruse the area of region 4A. Del Rio is in 3B ! 🤘😎🤘🚔
24 January 2023, 21:54