Meng Leopard 2A7+
57 18 February 2023, 15:34

My first Meng Kit, building mostly Tamiya, Takom, Zvezda or RFM,
I must say, that I'm a little disappointed of the quality.
Some parts didn't fit very good and some where already broken in the frame...
And some parts had "flags" and were not molded sharply. And the main gun barrel was two pieced...
In my opinion not contemporary anymore.
But anyway, I did it and and I'm happy to start the color working now.
20 February 2023, 15:56

Thank you all!
@Rui: Its the „ German Main Battle Tank Leopard 2A7+ - Scale 1/35 - Meng Models - MM TS-042" kit
6 March 2023, 14:03

Light* weathering ist finished (* as it will have travelled to Ukraine by railway).
The railway wagon is finished and I will start the base coating of it.
The Diorama "Arrival at Ukraine" will follow.
23 March 2023, 18:10

On an almost irrelevant comment, I wanted the BEST 1/35 M60A3 kit. It had been awhile since I dabbled in armor, so didn't know what was state of the art. Of M60's, there is the Tamiya (has suspension issues) the Italeri (formerly ESCI), Trumpeter, Academy, Dragon, AFV Club, Meng, Takom. Last 3 were available at kitlinx. Written reviews suggested a toss up. The Meng being slightly superior to the Takom. Then I saw/heard almost a throwaway line from FineScale's parts grope video. The Meng is a simplified AFV Club. Parts count doesn't scare me. Was looking for accuracy. So I got the AFV Club kit. But looks like Meng has been looking for ways to reduce/simplify their parts on their more recent kits.
24 March 2023, 05:49

@A.J. Madison: You are speaking about M60A3, unfortunately, I don't have experience with this kit.
The Leo 2A7+ was my first kit from MENG. It was okay, but not quite good as expected.
If you are searching for simple but still accurate kits, in my humble opinion, Tamiya is still the reference.
24 March 2023, 17:26

Looking good. Nice subtle weathering. I only find the tow cables a bit too coarse.
24 March 2023, 17:43

Yes, indeed the ropes were very difficult to handle.
I prefer the Tamiya plastic or even classic ropes instead
of metallic wires.
I will try to twist them more to give them a better look.
Thanks for your comment, Michael
25 March 2023, 20:33

Very good build. I like the dusty streaks on the sideskirts. Is this a prototype or a regular army vehicle?
26 March 2023, 10:00

@Johne 69: Thank you! I used Vallejo Primers for Base coating, Tamiya paints for the camouflage and some very light dust weathering. The streaks were made with Oil paints from Abteilung502 and "Bob Ross".
26 March 2023, 11:19

@Neuling: Thank you! It is a prototype "2A7+". The regular version is 2A7 of this mark.
But never less I will made WhatIf-Diorama, called "Arrival at Ukraine" with the LEO2 on an railway wagon arrived at a railway station.
26 March 2023, 11:21

LEO2 ready for the travel to Ukraine is long, enough time to build the destination railway station 😉
26 March 2023, 17:51

Nice subtle and convincing weathering on the railway car too. Like it
26 March 2023, 18:32

Very well done. The Leopard is great and nicely weathered as too is the rail wagon. The brickwork on the buildings and the roof are excellent.
2 July 2023, 17:59

... at railway station, on it's way to Ukraine.... in my dreams 😊 You did a great amount of work and result is very atractive. Congratulations! ✨
4 July 2023, 09:03

Diorama is really great, the weathering is very realistic and i wish, i have your skills on military vehicles!
but i have to mention: what are they doing?
it i half on the railway wagon but the hatchways are closed? i think, the engine isn't idling because of the "photomodel" right behind the exhaust...nobody will stay this close there while the tank is moving - and he can't move because of the one romping on the deck. before loading, the on-board cannon is also removed...
imo misleading representation - i don't understand.
4 July 2023, 14:49

Thanks for your comment, Dominik.
I wanted to show, how impressed the Ukraine soldiers are.
So the Tank stopped suddenly in this position, so that the brave soldiers could perpetuate this moment by picture.
In any case, this is a "What If...?" diorama, so there is a lot of room for your interpretation and fantasy 😉
5 July 2023, 16:18

😉 got it. In any case, your work on the diorama and weathering is great Andy.
Don't ask bout my fantasy *lol*
6 July 2023, 05:50