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JC (Kiccigiorgi)

Contact! Durga I:RE & Idel Mayarl

Photo 1 of 102


15 18 March 2023, 17:44
Ben M
 27 March 2023, 22:32
JC Auteur
Good to have you along Ben.
 28 March 2023, 01:56
Villiers de Vos
Promise to be very interesting.
 3 April 2023, 04:41
JC Auteur
Thank you Villiers, I hope it will be. I'm planning on using some new techniques like glow effects, camo masking, and to do a pretty heavy conversion on the Panzer II. I've had this diorama idea for a while so I hope to do it justice to what I've imagined.
 3 April 2023, 20:57
Nice progress so far. Looking forward to the final.
 8 April 2023, 02:39
JC Auteur
Thanks Dave, slowly getting there.
 8 April 2023, 03:12
Your progress is looking great
 16 April 2023, 04:30
Villiers de Vos
Very nice progress.
 16 April 2023, 16:47
Very interesting, follow 👀
 16 April 2023, 17:12
JC Auteur
Thank you Dave, Villiers, and Torsten.
 16 April 2023, 21:48

Album info

A Visitation on the Eastern Front.

102 images
1:100 NSG-Z0/E Durga I:RE (Kotobukiya FA063)1:100 Idel Mayarl (Gunze Sangyo G-808)1:100 Soviet Medium Tank T-34/76 (Mod.1940) (Zvezda 6101)2+

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