Tamiya - Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-3Affichage: Diaporama Mosaïque Liste 1March 20, 2023Really nice looking box! 2March 20, 2023Sprues washed and drying. 3March 20, 2023Prepared some pieces with Vallejo Surface Primer Grey 70601. 4March 21, 2023Primer added to the fuselage interior. Equal parts XF-22 and XF-49 painted on the other parts. 5March 22, 2023Cockpit done! Will add some Tamiya Panel Line later I think. 6March 22, 2023 7March 25, 2023Starting to look like an airplane. Sprayed with primer, ready for pre shading. 8March 25, 2023 9March 25, 2023I still need to work on my precision with the airbrush, think it turned out alright anyways. 10March 25, 2023 11March 26, 2023First paint color added, think the pre shading turned out pretty good! 🙂 12March 26, 2023Right about here I realized I had painted the wrong colors. The underside and half the sides are supposed to be sky blue. 13March 29, 2023Paint stripped, let's go again! 14March 29, 2023DIY seat belts, brake fluid destroyed the decal. 15April 3, 2023Painted, correct colors this time! Pretty happy with it so far. 16April 7, 2023Decals and Tamiya Panel Line added! 17April 7, 2023 18April 7, 2023 19April 8, 2023Finished! The only thing I had real problems with was the masking of the cockpit, didn't turn out great. My fourth kit and my best work so far, already looking forward to the next kit! 20April 8, 2023 21April 8, 2023 22April 8, 2023 23April 8, 2023 Commentaires 15 20 March 2023, 19:56Rui😎 26 March 2023, 07:25Guy RumpFollowing. 👍 26 March 2023, 07:53Project infoTamiya - Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-323 images1:72ComplétéTous les albumsVoir tous les albums »