Small Scale Factory
- Échelle:
- 1:72
- Statut:
- En cours
- Commencé:
- September 15, 2013
Inventaire du projet
Maquettes complètes
Kits de détaillage et conversions

J-35Ö Draken cockpit set
Aires 1:72
7202 /fr/search.php?q=*&fkMATEID[]=10067&showast=no&fkWORKBENCH[]=WB10067&page=projects&project=7099
Albums photos
7 March 2014, 08:46

Here's the update: finished applying the base color to all five aircraft. Next will be the gloss coating of all of them.
7 April 2014, 07:02

Looking good. You might want to wet sand the blue one with 2000 grit or better, it looks a little pebbley to me.
7 April 2014, 16:25

Update: FInished decaling the MB, the Tornado and the Typhoon. I'll finish off these three first as they are a comisson build.
5 May 2014, 18:59