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Christian Lehmann (Lemmy)

Albums (78)

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Derniers albums du projet

4 images
ChewbaccaView album, image #4
Projet: Chewbacca
70mm Chewbacca (Knight Models KST023)
8 images
Gamorrean GuardView album, image #4
70mm Gamorrean Guard (Knight Models KST022)
15 images
First Order Special Forces TieView album, image #9
front view of the finished Tie; unfortunatelyI lost the kit part with the antenas. Have to look for a replacementpa
1:72 First Order TIE Fighter Special Forces (Greenstrawberry 01316)1:72 First Order Special Forces TIE Figter Mask (Greenstrawberry AM005-1/72)1:72 First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter (Bandai 0203219)
35 images
Acclamator Assault ShipView album, image #35
1:2256 Acclamator (JPG Productions )
30 images
Hounds ToothView album, image #24
The teeth symbols are decals, the red stripes are air brushed despite they are as decals in the kit. This makes weatheri...
Projet: Hounds Tooth
1:144 Hound's Tooth (JPG Productions )
15 images
Bf 109 G-5, 1/JG300View album, image #9
1:48 Bf 109G-5 (Eduard 82112)
31 images
HMS Sheffield - before the impactView album, image #31
Gold award in category " Ship Diorama"
1:700 H.M.S. Sheffield (Cyber Hobby 7133)

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Autres albums

36 images
Euro-Modell 2013View album, image #1
4 images
40' Quad Hopper, N&WView album, image #1
16 images
Model Exhibition BreitenguessbachView album, image #1
14 images
Model Force´12View album, image #1
32 images
Go Modelling (GoMo) 2013View album, image #1
1 images
Mery X-mas to everybody. May the modelbuilding force be with you.View album, image #1
35 images
Model Force 13View album, image #1
2 images
My JigsView album, image #1
17 images
Exhibition of PMC ErdingView album, image #1