Albums (62)Derniers albums du projet43 imagesSpitfire 22/241:32Matchbox Spitfire 22/24Projet: MatchboxScratchbuilt1 imagesSpitfire 22/241:32Its the Matchbox one in 1/32 scale. Now I need to know one thing. Should I cut the red marked area of the kit to put ins...Projet: MatchboxScratchbuilt23 imagesMyAlbum1:32Projet: ME 109E-7Scratchbuilt2 imagesMyAlbum1:32Projet: ME 109E-7Scratchbuilt25 imagesMusashi1:350Projet: MusashiScratchbuiltAutres albums3 imagesME 109E Tropical. Matchbox 1 imagesMERRY CHRISTMAS IN 1 imagesMERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR1 imagesMERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR1 imagesMy new kit Spitfire 22/248 imagesLAUGH WITH EGYPT0 imagesRecent photosThis album does not contain any images.5 imagesNew pictures1 imagesHappy New Year 20141 imagesAncient Egyptian1 imagesMy Stealth Model1 imagesPYRAMIDS ON ICE21 imagesNew photos1 imagesApacheEAF APACHE7 imagesEAF Helicopters and jets30/6/20136 imagesSony Xperia Z1 1 imagesMe when i was young1 imagesAIRFIX??????4 imagesMy son`s car accident 19-8-20131 imagesMyAlbum1 imagesEgyptian new tanksFunny1 imagesCHRISTMAS1 imagesWhat is this?19 imagesMig 17 - Wilga - Yak 1812 imagesBUCCANEER2 imagesMarauder B2614 imagesFunny1 imagesP51 Early versionsP51s early8 imagesF-16s8 imagesMIG 21 DETAILS5 imagesTIGERS 27 imagesBuckeye12 imagesVarietyAllied cemetary at El Alamein12 imagesMyAlbumMATCHBOX33 imagesFenneks8 imagesMyAlbumFOR CORRECT COLORS5 imagesFenneksRevell8 imagesFunny1 imagesBENTLEY 4.5Bentley 4.5 made by union5 imagesMyAlbumJust landed8 imagesVarietyIlyushin 2813 imagesW/C Ali SharmyALI SHARMY1 imagesSeasons greetingsMerry Christmas5 imagesMy old models3 imagesSwedish warships5 imagesEgyptian TanksSam21 imagesThe mighty 884 imagesL-29 Delphin3 imagesEAF Karakorum25 imagesWREN17 imagesGRUMMAN TIGERCATTigercat35 imagesSUKHOI 17/20 PART 1SU 2017 imagesMIG 21MIG 213 imagesMy tiny bench and room11 imagesSUKHOI 7 BKL IN EAFBox art43 imagesMy Tamiya Armour Kits1 imagesSuper Sabre Kit