Albums (18)Tous les albums15 imagesBelaz-7547. Assembly1:43Projet: Belaz-754724 imagesBMW R-12. Assembly 1:35Projet: BMW R-125 imagesBMW R-12. Box contents1:35Projet: BMW R-1221 imagesBelaz-7547. Box contents1:43Projet: Belaz-75476 imagesM-72. Box contents1:35Projet: Motorcycle M-7230 imagesM-72. Assembly.1:35Projet: Motorcycle M-7254 imagesUAZ 3909. Assembly.1:35Finally, it's doneProjet: UAZ 390926 imagesApollo 11. Assembly1:96Interesting experienceProjet: Apollo 11 "Columbia" & "Eagle" (Revell)6 imagesMercedes-Benz SLS AMG. Assembly.1:24Projet: Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG (Revell)18 imagesNuclear Icebreaker "Arktika" Project 22220. Assembly.1:350Projet: Icebreaker "Arktika" Project 222203 imagesSTZ-5. Assembly.1:35Projet: Civil STZ-52 imagesJaguar E-Type Roadster. Assembly.1:24Projet: Jaguar E-Type Roadster37 imagesJaguar E-Type Roadster. In the box.1:24Projet: Jaguar E-Type Roadster32 imagesKA-30. Assembly.1:43+/- the exterior would look like thisProjet: Aerosleigh Ka-3051 imagesDo 215B-4. Assembly.1:72I decided to start painting. I started with the blue color.Projet: Do 215B-4 (ICM)16 imagesUAZ 3909. Inside the box.1:35Projet: UAZ 390922 imagesVW T1 BUS. Assembly.1:24Projet: VW T1 Bus (Revell)26 imagesGerman Staff G4. Assembly1:35Projet: German Staff G4 (Revell)