F-86F "The Huff" - Academy
The Comeback
- Échelle:
- 1:48
- Statut:
- En cours
- Commencé:
- April 18, 2014
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18 May 2014, 19:04

Hey Everybody... yesterday i made the seat belts for the Sabre. Please, give me your opinions about. Thanks.
18 June 2014, 11:41

Thanks @David. This is my first attempt to scratch a seat belt.😉
18 June 2014, 11:42

The kindness of you guys with this beginner modeler is huge...
18 June 2014, 12:28

Credits where credits are due, Leandro! 👍 It really looks good!! 🙂
18 June 2014, 12:59

Hello everybody, I added 5 more pictures of the work tonight. In fact I did not like how the seat finish. I thought it was crude, but after so long, I will not demand myself too much. The cockpit I think it looks good, but not great. After being stopped for about 4 years, I think that is reasonable. Regards...
19 June 2014, 01:45

Wow! It looks very good! Way more than reasonable, I'd say 😄 well done! 👍 👍
If I may ask, how on earth do you airplane builders do those tiny meters and gauges? 😛 Did you paint black and drybrush the white (or grey)? Or are they decals maybe?
19 June 2014, 06:06

Thank you guys. John, I've painted with black and drybrush white on the meters and gauges. I did use a tip of a toothpick to paint black, cause de parts are so small. I didn't like the size of the buckles. It looks like a gangsta's necklace. But i tried to do smaller than taht, but it always broke, cause it's very fragile. David, I lways try to give my best. This time, this is my best, but it can get better. Fisrt model in 4 years, i lost the pratice. Next ones will be better. At least, the cockpit looks good to me. I could evidence the lines of the meters and gauges. And the best, is that the airbrush and the compressor worked better than i dreamed. THe hard part is to controle the finger to push the needle. My last compressor was a nebulizer, with very low pressure. Now i have to take care about it, cause it's easy to put so much ink on that pieces. As soon as I get advance in the model I'll bring to you. Thanks for the praises. Gladly...
19 June 2014, 12:45

BY the way John, congrats for the great victory of Netherlands yesterday... I guess you'll be the champs...
19 June 2014, 12:50

Well, tell me about it. I am coming back after 15 years long break from scale modeling 🙂
19 June 2014, 12:57

Just three time my gap David... hehehe i guess will be good friends😉, learning again... For my first attempt in a long time, i guess it's ok... 😄
19 June 2014, 13:00