Sherman Crab
- Échelle:
- 1:35
- Statut:
- Complété
- Commencé:
- July 28, 2018
- Complété:
- May 31, 2019
- Temps passé:
- 10 months
This conversion of the M4A4 requires a mine-flail kit, provided by Resicast. Location of the vehicle is undecided.
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Kits de détaillage et conversions
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13 October 2015, 14:01

The build has begun. I started with the wheels, as in probably te most of Sherman topics. Only the rivet idea of the last picture I don't really care for... 144 rivets to shave from the sprue and aim to the wheel inside without locator holes.
31 July 2018, 21:25

The rivets are done anyway and the bogies are finished and remain workable. Only last minute I discovered an error and had to switch each wheelpair.
4 August 2018, 21:47

The hull is assembled, but I once let my vigilance drop and mixed up the steps. I had to pry the hull open again and squeeze the exhaust module in.
7 August 2018, 21:03

The first resin parts are emerging. Some small parts are for periscope protection. Removing the original periscope hatches was not easy.
10 August 2018, 16:56

Cutting the tracklinks and cleaning them. The ice cream cup is the most critical instrument.
19 August 2018, 09:57

The tracks are ready and fitted to the wheels. There are 8 extra links per side required due to the longer M4A4 hull, luckily Bronco provided 26 extra's.
21 August 2018, 21:41

The flail arm connections are made. One piece of resin had to be thermoformed with a heated metal rod. I replaced the plastic rod with tube so it's shaped smooth. The last picture shows a difference in the real Crab, I'll probably adapt that.
23 August 2018, 21:01

The chains are also thermoformed and glued to the rotor.
2 September 2018, 22:24