ProjetsGrouper par: Sujet Statut Terminé Commencé A » ZResultats trouvés: 12 In progressSmall Arty6 images1:35En coursThe First Patton1:35En coursCompletedFirst Try at Color Modulation33 images1:35Complété1+M8 Greyhound US Army (1784-now)7 Arm. Div., 87 Cav. Recon Sqn. Mech., A Troop1944 World War 2»ETO»Liberation of France FS34087 First Try at Pre-Shading53 images1:35Complété1+Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. E Tiger I (initial) Wehrmacht Heer (German Army 1935-1945)s.Pz.Abt. 501 7311943 World War 2 RAL8020 Isherman29 images1:35ComplétéM51 Super Sherman זרוע היבשה (Israeli Ground Forces 1948-now)14 Armor Brig., Ariel Sharon Bison Div. 3/813093-TsadiJuin 1967 Six-Day War JSU-152 Color Modulation25 images1:35ComplétéISU-152 Красная армия (Soviet Red Army 1918-1946)1151Mai 1945 World War 2 - Berlin Green Long Range Hitter49 images1:35ComplétéM107 175 mm SP Gun US Army (1784-now)2 Bn., 32 Field Art. Reg. 12Z3901969 - VietnamFS34087 M26 Pershing52 images1:35ComplétéM26 Pershing US Marine Corps (1798-now)B Co., 1 Marine Tank Bn.Septembre 1950 Korean War»Battle of Inchon - Inchon No. 22 Olive Drab M46 Patton37 images1:35ComplétéM46 Patton US Marine Corps (1798-now)1 Marine Div.1952 - Chang-Dan Olive Drab My First Patton40 images1:35ComplétéM48 A3 Patton US Marine Corps (1798-now)1 Marine Tank Bn.1968 - Hue City Olive Drab Super P36 images1:35ComplétéT26E4 Super Pershing US Army (1784-now)OCO-D (Office, Chief of Ordnance, Detroit) 263/894(U.S.A. 30119894)FS34087 The Grand Daddy17 images1:35Complété/fr/search.php?q=*&fkMATEID[]=19597&showast=no&fkWORKBENCH[]=WB19597&page=projects&sortby=projectstatus