Italeri Panther D
- Échelle:
- 1:35
- Statut:
- En cours
- Commencé:
- December 15, 0201
A junky old italeri kit (with a couple extras added in) as a winter project. I ended up using the kit tracks since I broke a bunch of the little tabs that hold the Bronco links together, and the only other extra is a set of Cavalier resin zimmerit. It was my first time using aftermarket zimmerit. definitely made a big difference.
Inventaire du projet
Maquettes complètes
Kits de détaillage et conversions

Panzerkampfwagen V
Panther Workable Track Link Set Early Type Bronco 1:35
AB3541 2010 Nouvel outillage Figurines
Albums photos
13 February 2018, 00:42