Albums (11)Derniers albums du projet21 imagesStar Wars X-Wing Fighter Diorama1:112Projet: Star Wars X-Wing Fighter Diorama43 imagesSci-fi model "Jaguar"1:123Projet: Sci-fi model "Jaguar" built with garbage scrapsScratchbuilt17 imagesLockheed F-117 Nighthawk "Last flight"1:144Projet: Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk "Last flight"17 imagesPZL P.7 141 Esk.1:72Projet: PZL P.7 141 Esk.25 imagesEnd of War - Free Poland1:72Projet: End of War - Free Poland15 imagesWillys MB Jeep1:72Projet: Light vehicles of allied & axis during WWII15 imagesVolkswagen Kübelwagen Type 821:72Projet: Light vehicles of allied & axis during WWIIShow all project albums Parcourir les projets Autres albums19 imagesRenovation of old spinning wheel (1937)46 imagesAir Show Radom 2017 Poland36 imagesEhxibition of Military Vehicles, Hel, Poland