Martian War Machine - with lights and sound
- Échelle:
- 1:48
- Statut:
- Complété
- Commencé:
- August 6, 2020
- Temps passé:
- about 68 hours
A full build of Pegasus Models' Martian War Machine, from the George Pal classic War of the Worlds
you can follow this build on my YouTube channel here:
Youtube Video

Inventaire du projet
Maquettes complètes
Kits de détaillage et conversions

War of The World s Board for Lights/Weapons and Audio
TenaControls 1:48
MRWM-BB /fr/search.php?q=*&fkMATEID[]=83830&showast=no&fkWORKBENCH[]=WB83830&page=projects&project=87493
4 19 November 2020, 15:54