1943 Operation Citadel-The Beginning of the End
- Échelle:
- 1:72
- Statut:
- En cours
- Commencé:
- November 20, 2020
- Temps passé:
- 43 hours to date
48" x 90" Table Top Diorama detailing the German's Army Group South spear headed offensive led by the 4th Panzer Division. Long term project build detailing Russian defense at the moment German's push to meet the Army Group Center which is driving from the North.
Inventaire du projet
Maquettes complètes

T-34/76 Soviet Battle Tank (2 quick build kits per box)
Pegasus Hobbies 1:72
7661 20?? Nouvel outillage 
KV-1S Soviet Battle Tank (2 quick build kits per box)
Pegasus Hobbies 1:72
7667 20?? Nouvelles pièces 
Russian 45mm Anti-Tank Gun with crew
Plastic Soldier 1:72
WW2G20001 2010 Nouvel outillage Sujets multiples (4)Snap-Tite
23 February 2021, 16:06