Spektar M-HOBBY
- Nom:
- Spektar M-HOBBY
- Ville:
- Belgrade - New Belgrade
- Type:
- Scale Modeling Shop (Retail & Mailorder)
- À propos:
- M-HOBBY je specijalizovan za prodaju maketa i maketarskog pribora. Prodaju vršimo putem interneta (online shop) ili direktno u maloprodaji u našoj prodavnici. M-HOBBY internet trgovina (on-line hobby shop) kreirana je pre svega da omogući širem krugu ljubitelja maketarstva (i onih koji ne mogu lično da dođu do nas), da na jednom mestu nabave što više onoga što im je potrebno za maketarstvo. Našu ukupnu ponudu možete videti ovde u katalogu. Katalog se svakodnevno ažurira (unose novopristigli artikli i sklanjaju oni kojih trenutno nema na lageru) tako da, za razliku od mnogih drugih šopova, naša lista artikala je realna ponuda onoga što imamo. Ponuda naše prodavnice M-HOBBY na Novom Beogradu istovetna je ponudi našeg internet kataloga. U ovoj prodavnici na usluzi su vam Predrag i Ivana. Predrag, "živa enciklopedija avijacije", svojim savetima pomoći će vam da što vernije ilustrujete istoriju našeg i svetskog vazduhoplovstva. Kod nas možete naći najsvežije novitete industrije maketarstva a i mnoge “egzotične” modele kojih nema ni u najpoznatijim svetskim maketarskim šopovima. Pogodnosti za maketarske klubove: Članovima klubova sa kojima imamo sporazum o zajedničkoj saradnji u podršci maketarstvu odobravamo popuste prilikom kupovine kod nas. Na plastične makete iz naše ponude dajemo 10% popusta (osim rezinskih, onih u serijskim publikacijama i onih koje su već na popustu). Popust je moguće dobiti samo direktno u prodavnici M-HOBBY na Novom Beogradu i to isključivo prilikom plaćanja gotovinom! Tel: 011/711 89 19 Mob. 063/80 95 154 radno vreme: ponedeljak - petak 10-21 subota 11-17 ENGLISH TRANSLATION: M-HOBBY specializes in selling model and maketarskog accessories. We sell via the Internet (online shop) or directly to retail in our store. M-HOBBY internet commerce (on-line hobby shop) was created primarily to provide a wider range of fans maketarstva (and those who are unable to come to us), that in one place purchasing more of what they need to maketarstvo. Our total offer can be seen here in the catalog. Catalog is updated daily (entries newly arrived items and shelter those who are currently out of stock) so that, unlike many other shops, our list of the items is a real offer what we have. Offer our stores M-HOBBY New Belgrade is identical offer our internet catalog. In this store to serve you and Predrag Ivana. Predrag, "a walking encyclopedia of aviation", their advice will help you to more accurately illustrate the history of our and the world of aviation. You can find the latest industry innovations maketarstva and many "exotic" models that are not even in the world's most famous Maketarski shops. Benefits for Maketarski clubs: club members with whom we have an agreement on mutual cooperation in support modelers give you a discount when you buy with us. On plastic models in our offer we give 10% discount (except rezinskih, those serials and those that are already discounted). The discount is available only directly at the store M-HOBBY New Belgrade and only when paying with cash! Tel: 011/711 89 19 Mob. 063/80 95 154 Opening hours: Monday - Friday 10-21 Saturday 11-17...
- Boutique en ligne:
- www.spektar-mhobby.com/
- Ville:
- 11070 Belgrade - New Belgrade
- Rue:
- Bulevar M. Pupina 123
- Carte:
Heures d'ouverture
Gammes de couleurs
The available color ranges in this shop are not yet known
Gammes de produits
You can find products from following scale modeling companies in the shop:
The product range of this shop is not known
8 mates are shopping regularly at Spektar M-HOBBY in Belgrade - New Belgrade.