F-4J Jolly Rogers Academy WIP and finished model
38 15 April 2017, 22:50

thanks Alec 🙂 well, at first sight, the details of Academy are better than those of Hasegawa, so i hope i can capitalize on that😉
on the other hand, if i do it wrong, it will be even more evident 😄
16 April 2017, 00:04

the advantage of not having much space for my stash, is that i can get some aftermarkets and have them inside of the existing boxes😉
16 April 2017, 17:16

ok, a little update with the modifications to the aires Resin, to adjust to the kit almost without surgery to the kit. only area modified was the part closer to the fuselage
18 April 2017, 19:55

I'm in!!! I have this one also, so I will watch with intrest. Bet it will be a stunner.
18 April 2017, 19:58

i will do my best Clifford, hope it will turn out good 🙂
and i hope it will take less time than last build 😛
18 April 2017, 20:05

welcome David and Bart, i hope it will be a pleasure to build 🙂
@Martin, shotgun?
19 April 2017, 18:58

@spanjaard: shotgun here is a slang for a person riding next to the driver. It comes from old wild west, where one person was handling the horses (of a drawn carriage) and the guy next to him had a shotgun to protect the carriage. Usage: "we went on a trip, I was riding a shotgun."
20 April 2017, 01:35

Oh I am in for sure! Love anything with the "Bones"... This looks to be an EPIC project!!!
20 April 2017, 03:09

LOL David, I never considered that the term "shotgun" would not be familiar with non-Americans, but that does make sense that they wouldn't.
Here in the US, if a group of people are getting into a car (3 or more), the front passenger seat is the preferred seat, so often times someone will call "shotgun!" out loud, signifying they get to sit up front. The first person to say it is generally accepted to have rightful claim, and it is usually lamented by the others that they did not think to call it first. This is usually mostly done within groups of close friends or family.
20 April 2017, 03:13

I consider you guys friends 😉
But I'm from a small town just south of Rotterdam in the Netherlands. Just watched too many American series I guess. A-team anybody?
20 April 2017, 06:36

I am also from a small village just south of Rotterdam Martin, were do you live?
20 April 2017, 06:55

I can copy-paste the question from Erik! 🙂
I am also from a small village just south of Rotterdam Martin, were do you live?
20 April 2017, 07:56

Spijkenisse google.nl/maps/place..,4.3210556,13z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x47c449e862c78f95:0xbd2ac735bbcf13b4!8m2!3d51.8561502!4d4.2972181?hl=nl
20 April 2017, 08:40

ha ha ha, ok Martin, shotgun place is yours 🙂 thanks David and Michael for the explanation. when i was watching A-team, i had it translated... pity, it is a lot better in the original english version, of course. probably that is why i never heard the shotgun expresion before....
That was a small town in Spain, quite some time ago
and thanks Michael for calling it epic project, i just hope it does not end as an epic disaster 😄
20 April 2017, 17:24

And the reason it's called "shotgun" is because in the old horse drawn coach days the guy sitting up front next to the driver carried a shotgun (more often known as a scatter gun to Americans back then) for defence purposes
26 April 2017, 23:40

Hi Spanjaard, your spine plug seems to be a more snug fit indeed. Nice one! 🙂 It sure looks good already!
27 April 2017, 08:07

Hi Patrick, maybe Academy fixed it, I do not know.
I still need to work on that area, I airbrushed with some left over paint, and i am not satisfied with how it looks yet. it is in such a prominent spot.....
27 April 2017, 12:29

Yep! I know what you mean... It's very wierd given the overall quality of the kit. BTW, happy King's Day!!!
27 April 2017, 12:59

That's a lot of plastic. LOL! Looking good so far. Watching as usual.
27 April 2017, 13:16

thasnk Stephan and thanks a Christian, your words really encourage me 🙂
27 April 2017, 23:19

after not doing much during May, finally an update. cockpit not completely finish, but advancing in the right direction. Certainly some serious sanding requiered, but no doubt because i did use the Aires wheel well. if i would have only use Eduard, I would have not need to sand anything probably. but a lot less sanding than when using Aires wheel well and cockpit in my Black Bunny.....
8 June 2017, 20:39

Very nice so far! I just finished up the Eduard reboxing of this kit, Good Evening Da Nang. Its a great kit on its own and add the extras you have...
22 June 2017, 23:45

Excellent progress -I agree with the above -nice busy looking cockpit..!
23 June 2017, 11:04

Hey Spanjaard, i´m looking phorward your Phantom! Pit Looks already phantastic!
23 June 2017, 11:59

thanks a lot everybody! such comments are really appreciated, specially coming from some really good modellers and experts in the phantom 🙂
24 June 2017, 19:48

ok, it was about time for update. i have tried black base for the first time, and i think i have maybe used too much paint... but it is still visible, at least it does not look like new out of the factory..... i have done a bit of Future in preparation for decals (no picture of that yet). i have taken some licence in the building sequence, and for example the engine exhaust and the metallic area will not be added until the very end.... i think i have it covered, but we will see at the end.
24 July 2017, 22:50

wow! Beautiful as always. Your patience and attention to detail are amazing.
24 July 2017, 22:50

Spanjaard, that Spook realy looks the part! Actualy I like the subtle grey topside. Too much black showing through may just be too much. Remember that close to an actual airplane you would see all the scuffs and damaged paint but from a distance (i.e. looking at a 1/48 scale aircraft) the colour would just blend in to a more uniform appearance.
25 July 2017, 00:35

I think you did fine with the black base. IMO you dont want to have a lot more showing through as you will be doing washes and stuff later.
25 July 2017, 00:43

thanks a lot Patrick, Donald and Clifford, your comments mean a lot to me 🙂
Washes will be applied later, that is true. That may add a bit more shadows.
25 July 2017, 06:40

thanks Stephan 🙂
lots of Spooks to compete with, and yours is a very nice one 🙂
25 July 2017, 09:34

HGW stencil decal are simply fantastic, I got most of them placed in no time, and results are amazing. No carrier film like dry transfers, but a lot easier and faster
Cartograph decals included in Academy kit are really good, with Mr Mark Setter, they stick like nothing I ever seen before.... After a bit of Future, you hardly see the borders of the carrier film. Even where 2 decals overlap eachother, you can clearly see the plastic details underneath
1 August 2017, 07:31

thanks Donald, Clifford, Alec and Murad, your comments are really appreciated 🙂
I am looking forward doing some washes etc on it, but it will have to wait some time before i can come back to it.....
6 August 2017, 22:37

How have I missed this ???
Good work Spanjaard !
Cockpit looks great particularly, tidy work all round too 🙂
6 August 2017, 22:42

very nice, mine is waiting that i have some courage to finish stencils 🙁 🙁
7 August 2017, 00:39

thanks Choppa, Seb H, Timoty, Christian, Michael, James and Clifford. wow, what a great crowd on my six. your comments are really appreciated. really happy you like it 🙂
8 August 2017, 21:45

You have been busy mate. 🙂
The detail you have pursued has paid off in a big way, as all I see is a very 'busy' interior, especially the front office and that front wheel well. Mmmmmmmm 🙂 👍
Congrats mate. well done. 👍
9 August 2017, 22:37

Great results so far, I have a seat and look forward to your next steps 👍
10 August 2017, 16:14

Great work, in the pit, in the wheel wells, in the air intakes, in all places here and there. Looking forward for the finished result.
10 August 2017, 19:21

hi Kerry, Torben and Maciej. welcome to the build. i am really glad you like it. i am also looking forward finishing it 🙂
10 August 2017, 22:15

Cool looking Phantom🙂. I cant miss that kind of build. The Cockpit looks really amazing. I've got this eduard Upgrade too. Hopefully it looks so cool as yours. Ja
29 September 2017, 17:17

thanks a lot Konrad, really appreciated. I have to give it the final push and finish it for once and for all 🙂 i was a couple of weeks away but now, it is time to get it done 🙂
29 September 2017, 17:20

You must have held your tongue in the right place to get all those stencil decals right mate. !! :-o
Tremendous work indeed. 🙂
Cheers. 👍
29 September 2017, 20:56

good job spanjaard, we seems to be at the same point I have to finish avery stencil under the plane...want to finish it next month !!! 🙂
29 September 2017, 21:16

well, those stencils are easier than you may think. with the HGW decals you do big number in one go. it took me a fraction of the time i spent on the dry transfers of my other F4-J, the Black bunny. there also less in number (the bunny had around a thousand of them.... literally). thanks for the kind words, your compliment meant a lot to me 🙂
29 September 2017, 21:16

Thanks Seb your comments are really appreciated 🙂
you will probably finish first, I could not do much last weekend
2 October 2017, 14:33

Spanjaard, This time, I took a lot more time looking at each image you have posted and it is abundantly clear you have bought all your skills and experience to bare on your build. 👍
Thank you for the running commentary and indications of the improvements you have made, as it certainly will help me with the Spook I am about to tackle and the little tricks to help me through. 🙂
BTW, the air scoops on the snout I hollowed out also, but were done with some old dentists teeth scraping tools.
I am most impressed with everything you have done to make this build the pleasure it is to see it. 🙂
Great job mate. 👍
15 October 2017, 20:27

With the parts spread out like that, it make one wonder where it all goes in the end. hahahaha 👍
15 October 2017, 20:28

thanks Bernd. and thanks Kerry, your comments mean a lot to me, coming from one of the modellers that i admire in SCM 🙂
i certainly could not leave those scoops as they are. And after so much resin aftermarket, decide to do it on my own. what tools did you use?
In this Phantom i decided to hollow them, while in the previous I did some scratchbuilding with aluminium (from a soda can) that looks ok too. was different kind of fun
very slow progress in the last month, and did not found the will to take pictures....
15 October 2017, 20:49

Spanjaard, I know what it's like to not keep taking photos of my work, mainly because I get so engrossed, I forget. LOL 🙂
The tin foil sounds a great way to replicate the air scoops indeed. I would love to see some images of the final result on that effort. ?
The tools I use are older/thrown out tools from a dentists surgery and they have great angled tips for gently shaving away the plastic bit by bit. I will post some images of what they look like on the F-4 I will be tackling in earnest in the next couple of week. 👍
I have two 'anniversary 1/48 Hasegawa 'Spooks' that are quite a few years old (At least 30 years it's been in production) !!!
but keep getting re released by Hasegawa due to popular demand, being the better looking shape out of all the kits I know of, but in saying that, I am really tempted to get the Zoukie-Mura 1/48 F-4, having seen and heard good reviews on the overall high quality of the kit.
Ill keep you posted.
And thank you for your compliment on my past works mate. 👍
It also means a lot to me that I am considered skilled at my hobby. 👍
Kez. 🙂
15 October 2017, 23:12

Sure, F-4J Phantom II Black Bunny WIP (2/2) & finished pictures | Album by hetspanjaard (1:48) I would suggest picture 30, 104 and 115.
Zoukei-Mura is a big temptation for me, but after two consecutive Spooks, I really want to have something different on my work bench 😄
16 October 2017, 08:06

I looked at the ZM when it came out. Before it hit the shelves actually. It was impressive in the box for sure. BUT, not so much so that I would pay the money for it over the Academy kit.
18 October 2017, 00:44

for what i have seen about ZM, it looks good, but the Academy is certainly good enough for me 🙂
18 October 2017, 05:16

I have the ZM F-4S ( Yes, it's designed to be a true S!!!) still in the box... I would love to build it but first want to finish my orange lion.
19 October 2017, 03:44

Wow, okay - this is a version of that kit to look up to! Very impressive, I wonder if I want to reach that level of detail-mindedness! 😄
29 November 2017, 07:48

thanks a lot Dennis. i need to post a few more pictures, it is almost done, only a few details left. but i could not dedicate as much time as i wanted. and following my usual habit, i had to do a few things twice to get satisfied with it.
29 November 2017, 10:08

thanks Alec K. believe they took very short time, you actually place multiple one in one go with HGW system. not like the ones of my previous Phantom....
29 November 2017, 12:41

it went actually a lot faster than you may think actually... or maybe because compared with the one thousand individual stencils of Hobbydecal, it was certainly a lot faster!
29 November 2017, 13:12

But there are so many bits... how can you tell if some are missing? It doesn't look like it.😉
11 December 2017, 23:11

Thanks a lot Donald and Zsolt. and thanks Greg, for the compliment, and for making me smile 🙂. it should be finished before the weekend 🙂
11 December 2017, 23:50

I followed in silence, it looks absolutely fantastic. The amount of details is super. Great work!
12 December 2017, 12:46

Project is on, we're doing a groupbuild to commemorate 60 years of service... Pics soon...
13 December 2017, 08:13

@Bart, your project looks really interesting. looking forward seeing some pictures. be prepared for lots of sanding with the cockpit and wheel bay from Aires. i do not know about the photo set. hope it needs less sanding.
13 December 2017, 17:09

thanks a lot Holger. it should be finished this weekend, unless i discover that i forgot to do something 😛
16 December 2017, 12:08

thanks Christian. Greg, if you want to point some of errors (there are several ones) I would like to hear about it. At least the most obvious, so i can improve on the next build 🙂
16 December 2017, 15:47

Cool finish! Especially the ladder! Which one is it, scratch build?
Anyhow I like it very much!
26 December 2017, 19:11

the ladder is scratch built. but i must say that i was looking at pictures of scalemates.com/kits/1010618-..ladder-mcdonnell-f-4-phantom and used them as a guideline. i still need to weather ir a bit
26 December 2017, 19:30

yes, your album F-4 D Phantom II Gunfighters | Album by Kone (1:48) was the one that gave me the idea 🙂 , thanks by the way 🙂
26 December 2017, 19:59

Fantastic detail. Awesome looking plane, great job! I got to meet 2 VF84 pilots of a Tomcat back in the 90's. Have the tamiya 32 scale version I hope to build some day soon.
27 December 2017, 06:21

Greg's just jealous because there are no Phantoms in the Tintin albums😉
27 December 2017, 11:28

There is an echo in here. !! :-O Superb result all round Spanjaard. 👍 for sure. 🙂 🙂
28 December 2017, 20:18

wow, i have been a few days away and i did not expect to see so many comments. thanks!!!
thanks James, Clifford, Sören, Gil, Flop_Se, Martin, Greg (or maybe not 😛 😄 ), Peter, Murad, Bryn, Nathaniel, Roland, Christian, Lode and Kerry
this has been a pleasure of a build. and i am really happy it turn out good and that it is being appreciated. i have not yet decided which will be the next build... several candidates.... DeLorean, Jeep SAS and Starwars Speeder bike... will see 🙂
30 December 2017, 00:24

B E A U T I F U L ! ! !
After a sneek peek of your stash, my vote goes to the Colonial Viper and the 75th Aniversary thingy!
30 December 2017, 19:56

Nice Phantom, all your detail work created this beautiful model! What about a biplane?😉 If not my vote goes to the water dropping CL-415!
30 December 2017, 22:11

thanks Maciej, Viper is a good option, but I am waiting for PE parts... that will take several weeks more to arrive 🙁 F18 will be done in Spanish colours, but not for now.
Thanks bughunter, I am honoured by your comments, but my details are pale and crude compare with yours 🙂 CL-415 is a really good option, actually 🙂
Thanks Erik, really appreciated.
thanks Peter, the MG is also one that I really wan to build. specially after seeing the fantastic MG TC built by Guy Golsteyn
31 December 2017, 00:44

at the end , the new project will be the Back to Future Delorean... (sorry bughunter, no biplane in my stash at the moment) I intend to do some extra detail on it....
8 January 2018, 22:09

Excelente trabajo Spanjaard!!!!...uno de mis próximos modelos, salvo que el mío será el de Robin!!! de la Fuerza Aérea!!!!...estoy buscando el interior de Aires....un poco caro usd 30!!!!....lo tomaré cómo modelo cuando comience el mío!
9 February 2018, 23:23

thanks a lot Álvaro, Dan and Robert.
@Álvaro, en este use el interior de Eduard, que ajusta como un guante. Usé el de Aires en mi Phantom de Hasegawa . Aries lleva un montón de trabajo de lijado para ajustarlo, pero los detalles creo que son mejores. Además en el de Eduard, no me gusta el hecho de que los fotograbados estén ya pintados.
el de hasegawa lo tengo en dos albunes, por que el primero no sale en el newsfeed por alguna razón....
F-4J Phantom II Black Bunny work in progress (1/2) | Album by hetspanjaard (1:48) primera parte
F-4J Phantom II Black Bunny WIP (2/2) & finished pictures | Album by hetspanjaard (1:48) segunda parte y modelo finalizado
10 February 2018, 10:21

thanks a lot Jos. the truth is that is not fully finish, since i have some figures and plan to do also a base... but those make take a while....😉
10 February 2018, 20:31

Iam gonna use your F-4 as an example, I have in my stash a Phanton from eduard 'Goodmorning da Nang".... this should also be one of the Jolly Rogers. Thanks for the pics!
11 February 2018, 18:14

Gracias por el dato, soy amante de Eduard, pero creo que el equilibrio se encuentra en la mezcla de la resina y fotograbado, por eso busco el de Aires....luego que vi las cirugías que hay que aplicar, creo que me asusté un poco!!!...voy a ver los PE de Eduard....gracias por los consejos y nuevamente excelente trabajo!
11 February 2018, 18:19

thanks Clifford, and thanks a lot Jos, I hope it helps you.
Álvaro, the surgery applied was also due to the front wheel well . using both means sanding much more. only the cockpit means less surgery needed. certainly Eduard requires a lot less work. but i do love the details of Aires 🙂
11 February 2018, 20:07

I am going to try my first Aries cockpit, on my Lighting F6, and I just ordered on for my Monogram Pro Modeler JU-88. I am debating on one for the Hasegawa F-4E.
11 February 2018, 23:48

Was showing my wife this photo album Spanjaard, she is mighty impressed. Even said I should try and "do" a plane as good as this. I hate you!
12 February 2018, 07:23

thanks Guy, and thanks to Ms. Hardy too. you should try to do some planes, Peter😉
12 February 2018, 11:29

Pat, I have five, yes FIVE unfinished models on my bench. I actually do have a few (very) planes in the stash, all WW1 bi and triplanes. No fast jets. Besides, she has ME! What more could a woman want?
12 February 2018, 22:25

Peter, biplanes can be very tricky with the alignment and the rigging. Better practice on a nice F-4. Can you save the frustration for later 😉 because there WILL be frustration when building biplanes.
13 February 2018, 07:49

Nah, if I did a fast jet it would be Russian or the Hot Rod. Next build will be the Frisbee, er Cylon Raider. Wish you would slow down the build rate, you have built six models to my none.
13 February 2018, 07:54

I finished Enterprise in December, which took a year and mirage in November. I'm not fast 🙁 Wait till Michael Phillips gets his mojo back!
13 February 2018, 08:12

Actually, when I grow old I want to be like you (read a lot of envy between lines) 🙂))
13 February 2018, 08:34

What? Old? Forgetful? Incontenant? Irritable? Spanjaard's good points should not be envied!
13 February 2018, 08:59

Thanks Choppa, Matthew and Jose Ángel, your comments are really appreciated.
@Peter, what can i say? thanks for your kindness too 😛
13 February 2018, 11:58

I am with Martin here. When Michael Phillips gets his mojo back, he will put us all in shame. He builds great models in a fraction of the time I need to build one.
13 February 2018, 14:13

Man, you guys sure know how to make a dude blush over here! LOL Thanks to all for the kind words. I can report that I have spent time at the bench for each of the last three nights... So I am back! Update to my album should follow soon. You guys all had a big hand in helping me to restore my lost mojo!
But anyway, enough about me. Let's return our attention to Patrick's amazing Phantom here. Fear the Bones!!!
13 February 2018, 18:49

glad to see you up and about Michael 🙂
i will take as a compliment that you think it was Patrick's model 😄
13 February 2018, 19:19

😄 My Spook is still in the Netherlands, I haven't opened a Phantom box over here yet...
13 February 2018, 19:21

you left your Spook behind Patrick??? I did not expect that😉
13 February 2018, 19:22

Doh! Apparently I'm still not 100%. LOL Sorry Spanjaard! Where's the embarrassed emoji when you need it? Hahahaa
13 February 2018, 19:44

Well.... My 1/32 selection, I still have three years to complete a 1/48 ZM F-4S and two 1/48 Academy Naval Spooks. 😉
13 February 2018, 19:51

Well I have been called worse things I suppose! Actually my Dad's Mum was born in a dirt floor hut in Tassie, so of course her family nickname was Tassie!
14 February 2018, 07:57

Gorgeous! Really beuatiful Phantom.. Love the Detailwork and the PAintjob..
And you did this on aLiving room Table??? 🙂
15 March 2018, 10:44

Well, it took about 8 months. Bad planning I guess . Glad you like it
15 March 2018, 12:11

Might have been slow Spanjaard, but The Sistine Chapel wasn't done overnight mate! Work of art my friend. I doff my hat to you!
16 March 2018, 09:36

Wow! Guys like me get frustrated when we see something like that. That's a beautiful model.
23 March 2018, 09:40

Did you get those panel lines like that through a wash or something else?
23 March 2018, 09:41

thanks Paul, you are very kind. yes, I did you a wash. After the almost complete disaster with my NXR-750 I wanted something a lot less "aggressive" with the plastic and i tried with Florymodels washes. It did work like a charm and with no risk for the plastic. I must say that the Academy model has fantastic panel detail, and with a simple wash, it looks fantastic. Hasegawa F-4J for example, have some nice detail, but not as good as the Academy one
ah, and i also used Future before the wash. over the flat tamiya paint, it would have looked a lot more "dirty
23 March 2018, 18:24

Amazing amount of detail! And pics. Thanks for sharing all that. The end result is impressive.
23 March 2018, 19:09

big thanks Lode. that is really a compliment 🙂 and of course, thanks John. i am really glad that you two enjoyed the build.
i really need to get to work on my Delorean... no progress for quite some time 🙁
23 March 2018, 19:25

Spanjaard my friend, I was going to put a smartarse comment about seeing this again but it never fails to make me smile when I go through the build pics. So, no smartarse comment from me, well not this time anyway. Lode is correct, your modesty is gracious, the work of art above tells of your skills. All of us who have commented on this build have enjoyed your mastery and are keenly awaiting the DeLorean. It had better be up to this standard or you will suffer the wrath of all above. Congratulations on this build again. My friend, I am in awe.
23 March 2018, 21:23

wow Peter, that is really a heart touching compliment, truly appreciated. 🙂 I will do my best with the Delorean, just :"a bit" sort of time and energy at the moment.... but i will certainly do it to the best of my abilities.
thanks Timothy, i will 🙂
24 March 2018, 08:32

Spanjaard, since it is obvious that your goal is perfection, I thought I would give you a thought. I was a pilot in the US Navy aboard carriers and I think the wash applied over the ordnance is not accurate. The sparrow missiles on your photo have a fair amount of wash still attached to them. All ordnance aboard shop was very clean. Even on deployment when alert aircraft were frequently armed and subject to weather, ordnance was always wiped down, cleaned and kept in very good shape. Absolutely in awe of this model!
24 March 2018, 11:24

i was trying to make the sparrows more "lively" by marking the lines... but you are right, I went too far there and made them look dirty. Your comment and feedback is highly appreciated. Specially coming from somebody with real experience in the subject! I may actually ask your advice in the future. I have the plan of adding a base (an aircraft carrier deck). I want to chain it to it. I got a Tie Down Point Set and Tie Down Device Set, to do it, and your experience could certainly be of great help the day i do it.
24 March 2018, 15:05

Ah............a 'toom which is absolutely beautiful, well done mate.
25 March 2018, 08:53

thanks a lot Paul. i will contact you when the time comes.
thanks Christian and Derek, glad you like it.
25 March 2018, 15:47

Now that i saw all 116 images from the start, i have to say... Masterpiece 👍
25 March 2018, 19:01

Wow, very nice job . Weathering is realistic, not excessive as we see too often nowadays . Congrats Spanjaard .
14 April 2018, 22:35

sometimes i think i should have added a few stains in a few places... but i like this one a lot and i do not dare to ruin it now 😄 😄
14 April 2018, 22:38

Hi Spanjaard, never touch a finished model 🙂
. Try it on the next one . Cheers Stefan
14 April 2018, 22:45

From what you have posted for all of us to ponder. There is a big fat zero to worry about. As this is as good as it gets. Absolutely. 👍
Salute. 🙂 🙂
15 April 2018, 00:20

i am glad you also like it. and no, i will not touch it! well, there is something i want to do, but that will be a base and maybe find some suitable transparent box for it 🙂
15 April 2018, 08:59

For the transparent box: I strongly recommend glass 4mm . It's way easier to glue together than plexiglas, it doesn't scratch like plexiglas and it's way easier to cut ( with a good glass cutter ) than plexiglas or you can ask the glass seller to cut it to size ( even more easier ) . And btw, it's easier to clean than plexiglas .
15 April 2018, 15:33

It's a year since Spanjaard posted this. 😄
It's so good, it just can't stay hidden for too long.
15 April 2018, 17:11

thanks for the information Phenix, i need to look for a glass dealer. and get it done, i like your idea. specially about being easier, harder, and i am sure it will look better than any form of plastic after some time 🙂
thanks Manuel and of course Martin. it is a pleasure to see this one coming back from time to time, i am not going to deny it 🙂
15 April 2018, 17:37

Spanjaard. If contained in glass. Get some expert advice from the Glaziers or have someone do it professionally, as this build deserves the best. 👍
15 April 2018, 20:18

thanks Kerry, that is a nice compliment
Martin,not yet 300, and half of them are mine saying thanks... I wish i could work with PE a fraction as good as Christian can 🙂
15 April 2018, 22:45

WHAT. ? You have skills that I am sure Christian would want. 🙂 🙂 🙂 PE is a world apart, and practice makes it better. 👍
16 April 2018, 00:08

Looks like 307 before my comment Spanjaard. It's official, your in esteemed company now Mate!!
16 April 2018, 03:19

Thanks Kerry and Peter 🙂
i was looking at the number of comments on top of the page (previous comments), which of course does not include the ones in the screen, so yes, it is more than 300
16 April 2018, 05:32

Phantom kits are hard to 'Get Right", meaning, that phantom 'look'.
This is a wonderful example of how a phantom should look like. 👍 👍 👍.
A superb build Spanjaard. 🙂
Salute. 👍
10 January 2019, 01:54

thanks Paul, Ronny and specially Kerry. your comments make me really happy. specially now that i am not being able to dedicate much time to new models ....
10 January 2019, 05:21

Master modeller Spanjaard, it's a pleasure to give you a 'thumbs up' mate. 😉 👍 👍 👍
10 January 2019, 06:46

Very impressive build, good painting. Landing gear super detailed and weathered!
10 January 2019, 16:43

thanks a lot Stuart, but you have gone further than me in a veeeery much shorter time😉
10 January 2019, 22:05

Ha! Still a heck of a lot to learn mate. Guess t's a lifelong investment (I say lifelong- 49 is pretty old to start a hobby like this) ???? how long have you been at it?
10 January 2019, 22:09

Well, many of us started very young, and stopped for 20+years, and got back to it at 40's for example. it is never too late if you enjoy 🙂 and something tells me you do 😄 😄
still a heck of a lot to learn for all of us, specially since new techniques and materials are appearing every day 🙂
11 January 2019, 05:53

A great observation and well put Spanjaard. 😉
I am happy to say that I have not 'resisted' the new technologies that have become part of what is our hobby.
But creative and adventurous people still have a place among us. Especially those who can make something out of 'nothing'. 🙂
11 January 2019, 06:43

thanks Gunther, Pierre and Clifford. i did not expect this build to be back in the newsfeed after a year! Stuart must have found it by accident 🙂
12 January 2019, 00:01

I am pleased his 'accident' has got the exposure it deserves mate. 🙂 🙂🙂 👍
12 January 2019, 02:38

thanks Saeed, that is mostly the Aires set and a bit of wire and a few painted details.
14 January 2019, 00:12

I agree with Lode. It still is a pleasure to look at the photos. Congrats again😉
15 January 2019, 09:02

I totally agree with all Cuajete and Lode have said, and nothing gives me greater pleasure than browsing through all the members and friends builds that have been posted over the years, and there are some wonderful examples of the hobby we love on display. 🙂
Like a display case you always wished you had. hehehehehe 👍
15 January 2019, 10:57

thanks again all of you for your nice comments 🙂
i love the idea of the display case where we have the best builds of SCM. i can think of some of yours or Lode's that certainly would be there 🙂
16 January 2019, 12:42

Just passing by. Nothing to see in my direction. Look at the plane everybody, it's gorgeous!
16 January 2019, 20:02

Not this old chestnut, again! Spanjaard, put this thing back in the display cabinet would you? Please??
16 January 2019, 22:37

Finished model looks amazing . Great job on a wonderful kit. As for the ladder, keep it unweathered. Just came out of the paint shop.
18 January 2019, 13:14

thanks a lot Bryn. I think you are right.... well the truth is that I forgot about that ladder!
19 January 2019, 22:53

thanks Kim and go for it 🙂 after doing the Academy and Hasegawa, i certainly suggest the Academy one. i do not know about the ZM.... resisted the temptation so far 😄 😄
24 January 2019, 00:01

😄 The ZM is awesome! ...except for the aft fuselage... the shape is totally off. 🙁
24 January 2019, 02:32

Just trolling through Spanjaard albums and came across this again. Like fine wine gets even more agreeable with age!
27 April 2022, 01:37

Thanks Peter. I love it, bit i met and a bit of grime to it one day
27 April 2022, 06:57

I agree with Peter... Like a great old wine. It's nice to see this magnificent album again 👍
27 April 2022, 09:56

Hi Spanjaard ! I somehow missed this one. She's a stunner! Congratulations on this beautiful build. I like it very much.
27 April 2022, 18:24

thanks a million Celliers, Michael, Cuajete, Roland, Sergej and Mathieu
27 April 2022, 20:59

I remember this awesome build and will be chuffed if mine turns out half as good 👍
27 April 2022, 21:49
Album info
I was not initially planning to build two F-4J in a row... but here it goes. if i do not build this one this kit may get dust in the stash for a long time, and it looks too good to let that happen
Differences are clear compared with previous project. I hope to do do a lot less surgery. Academy kit seems to have a lot better details and better engineering than Hasegawa. no need to get weapons, plenty included (although Eduard ones could be better).
i will be probably using TER and MER that i did not use in my F-4J Black Bunny.
hopefully this build will take me much less time 🙂