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Boeing P-8A Poseidon
Academy 1:144
12635 2024 Új eszköz
28 December 2024, 19:30

December 18, 2024

Oh, wow, so nice using this new airbrush for the very first time. 🙂 *muah*
--> Gaahleri Mobius 0.2mm

Btw, I am using a thinner mix when airbrushing on Vallejo primer. Vallejo primer paint is ALWAYS sifted through a small tea sift to avoid potential clogging. Sometimes small flakes of dried flakes will come out of the primer paint bottle.
Mix: 70% flow enhancer + 30% thinner, and then add 10% retarder medium (gooey slime)
Mixed 50:50 with the Vallejo primer paint. Mixed outside of the airbrush paintcup, in a small glass jar.

I will have to try remember to wipe clockwise when cleaning the paint cup, as the changable cup is screwed on and will eventually get loose when pushing in a counter-clockwise direction.
18 December 2024, 10:53

December 15, 2024

új fotóalbumot adott hozzá.
16 képek
Trumpeter's HMS Naiad in 1:350 scaleView album, image #16
I really want to avoid ending up with the "1mm thick plastic" look, and for that I need to remove the plastic on many pa...
1:350 HMS Naiad (Trumpeter 05366)1:350 Byers Stockless 75cwt Anchors (Micro Master MM0519P)1:350 5.25"/50 (13.4cm) QF MKI (Micro Master MM1255P)8+
Minden megjegyzés (13) » 15 7 November 2024, 12:31
Ingmar Stöhr
If you cover a plate with a material which shrinks or expand while drying, or when humidity changes... This can always result in a bend to the whole assembly. A friend of mine encountered this in an extreme form, when he used some children's air drying clay on a foam board. This is the reason why I try to use special epoxy clay, with very low to nearly no shrinkage.
 3 December 2024, 12:06
Treehugger Szerző
Update; In photo #13 the stand is basically done except for colors/more paint and the filling required between the hull and the gaps around the hull in the hole in the stand.
I like how adding the additional 4mm acrylic plate, added the extra height to lift the keel of the ship higher than the table surface, even though the keel isn't visible per se, makes the ship look like it floats better I think, no longer parallel with the table surface like before.
 5 December 2024, 20:46
I have already the default tungsten drill bit grinding tool that comes with this electrical pen drill, but it isn't very usable for very specific things like carving out plastic inside a cavity, I need a grinding tool with a flat tip.

A mask must be worn, and one mustn't contaminate one's working place while grinding away the plastic.

I need to buy this so badly. Removing plastic without a grinder is sooo tedious. So tedious. 🙁 Have I told you how tedious it is to remove plastic? So tedious. 🙂

This set referenced at the top is a grinder tool that is flat at the end.

There is thie other full set as well: DSPIAE 56976 GH-10

I'll order both, even though I get double of some of the tungsten drill grinding bits.
15 December 2024, 20:17

December 13, 2024

akarja ezt
Tu-22M2 "Backfire-B" Anti-Ship Missile Carrier
UA Litaki 1:144
144001 (LTK144001) 2024 Új eszköz
13 December 2024, 17:12
akarja ezt
Blohm & Voss BV222 "Wiking"
Revell 1:72
04383 2014 Új matricák
13 December 2024, 09:19

December 10, 2024

"Only 350 pcs" Is that humblebrag? 😄
HU-16B Albatross Germany, Spain, Argentina
UA SOVA-M 1:72
SVM-72029 2024
Minden megjegyzés (5) » 1 8 December 2024, 21:36
Maybe I shouldn't have said "I think"...that number isn't the number of parts in the box which make up the model, it's the number of kits which they intend to produce – like a limited edition. Avis do the same, confusing thing.
I have this kit, which has only 36 parts in the box and yet the box says 500pcs.
Lee-Richards Annular Monoplane-3 (AviS BX 48001, 1:48)

BX 48001
1  10 December 2024, 07:35
Treehugger Szerző
Oh this is weird. I thought it meant the number of parts in the box. So a "short run" then.
 10 December 2024, 07:42

December 4, 2024

Seems like a nice kit. I like the apparent not-too-large-wingspan. Why this is not longer in stock, I would like to know.
C-17A Globemaster III
Revell 1:144
85-5867 2013 Új doboz
15 December 2019, 19:32
Mina Ro
I wish Revell would re-release it.
 4 December 2024, 22:00
Q: Any other way to cut through a sheet of ca 3mm acrylic plate, as opposed to using a "circle saw" machine?
Ideally a method that creates a precise and a nice clean cut.
Somehow I doubt a carpenter's knife and a metal ruler will do it.
Minden megjegyzés (8) » 3 December 2024, 12:06
In the video he said that if you use a jigsaw use a blade intended for cutting metal; turn off the orbital action and take the cut slowly.
 4 December 2024, 08:16
Treehugger Szerző
I see some add a piece of tape as well on the acryclic material where one is cutting, maybe a good idea.

Right, good idea about not using the orbital action. Saw this mentioned just now in some video. Made for a faster but rougher cut they said.

I'll buy a 20 or 25 teeth blade. Upward cutting (cuts against the machine for less movement/disturbance).

Guy on youtube said he prepares the cut material with liquid soap to cool the blade, says you mustn't try add soap onto a moving blade. Says it will be messy anyway, point being cleanup required afterwards.

Other guy on youtube says too fast speed on the blade makes the plastic melt, so he cuts at a slower speed he says.

Heated plastic afaik produces toxic fumes, but unsure how much when cutting with a jigsaw.

Btw, I made an online search for a laser cutter in my area, but couldn't find anything. 🙂
 4 December 2024, 08:22

December 2, 2024

Q: Anyone tried this 3d resin printer?
Elegoo Mars 5 Ultra
2 December 2024, 09:00
Treehugger Szerző
Looks fascinating. First time I've seen this updown approach. Unless I misunderstood something: I think, if you add lots of pins and rods at the bottom, your printed model won't be faced with this guy's basic "chess piece" model where the bottom of the resin model is stuck on the platter, requiring cutting it off with a tool.

Youtube Video
 2 December 2024, 11:22

November 18, 2024

Reading somewhere that there is supposedly a release date set for this: December 2024 if you can believe it. Seems maybe linked to pre-orders in places. "Release expected in December 2024"
C-130H Hercules
Great Wall Hobby (GWH) 1:144
L1011 2024 Új eszköz
2 18 November 2024, 12:17

November 13, 2024

megszerezte ezt
Woban Class District Harbor Tug Boat
Alliance Model Works 1:350
13 November 2024, 13:05

November 8, 2024

Q: Did WW2 ships have a de-gaussing cable on the side of the hull at the start of the war? Anyone know?

Would it make sense that ships didn't have a de-gaussing cable attached in 1940? Presumably, this cable makes the hull less magnetic, to avoid triggering mines, unsure. Hm, on second though, I guess WW1 also had mines around so maybe not a novel invention this de-gaussing cable.
8 November 2024, 07:51
Martin Oostrom
Not much help:
 8 November 2024, 18:09
Treehugger Szerző
Right. I see there are other photos of Dido cruisers apparently without a de-gaussing cable, but maybe post-war stuff. Maybe some other novel tech replacing the old one perhaps.
 8 November 2024, 19:20

November 7, 2024

Oh, I got this interesting idea just now. Re. 1:350 ship model base..
Might look good with two flat styrene sheets glued together, and two pins or some sort to lift the model off the base.
I'll try this with my HMS Naiad light cruiser, as the included ship base is the standard terrible variety. 🙂
This I imagine should allow for adding a more horizontal name plate, instead of the typical "vertical" name plate.

I wish someone sold brass photo etch lettering, to avoid having to use the shitty plastic name plates that often come with ship model kits.
The only photo etch lettering I've seen in the past are for small/tiny letters, much too small.
7 November 2024, 01:10

November 6, 2024

I ordered some stuff, for the first time from MicroMasters (They reopened their store just now in September 2024) making 3d printed stuff for ships. I only worry about things being smashed during shipping. In 1:350 scale, things are fairly small'ish and so "1:200 scale people" probably get more out of these parts I would think.

I don't like spending a lot of money on aftermarket stuff, but I thought I'd try this just once, adding some extra stuff. I'll just scrape the kit propellers into shape and not bother with 3d printed air vents.

Micro Masters did not seem to have the two part depth charge stuff at the stern of the ship, else I might added that as well to the order.


I took the time to check the few various boat parts found in the Trumpeter HMS Naiad kit, checked the length in mm, converted back to 1:1 using HiPER sci. calculator on my phone and sort of converted to feet, and then checked against candidates on the Micro Master website. I even added the doors (x30) which should add a lot of detail to the kit. Kit's ship doors are nicely molded but don't have much detailing on them.

Although some of the items, I had marked as "in my stash", I don't have them yet, only now just making an order.
3 September 2024, 08:08
Treehugger Szerző
Pheu. Parcel finally arriving to my country today at long last. The first one they sent went missing inside UK for unknown reasons some time ago.
 1 November 2024, 22:02
Treehugger Szerző
Package arrived. Looks like good packaging. Contents inside a carton box size ca 20x15x8 cm. Box was wrapped with some perforated/fluffy paper carton wrapping paper, and outside the thin plastic bag outside there was also a sticker outside saying "fragile". Will look over the parts and probably takes some photos.

Looking inside, looks like they filled up the box with no moving parts inside. All the 3d printed parts are either inside several tiny jars w.lids, and also a smaller box inside again the larger box.

Update: Oh, wow, I have never seen such a detailed 3d printed part before. A lot better than I had expected. Will have to take photos of this. 🙂
 6 November 2024, 09:14
Treehugger Szerző
I'll see if I can made some proper photos, but I would have to be really careful, as some of the details are tiny and presumably fragile.
This is what the turrets look like. A lot better than I thought. I have good look with my eyes into the box and I couldn't see stepping. Perhaps when I get the parts out of the box I can see if they are really as smooth as they look like inside the box. Anyway, this looks like a lot better than I would have ever hoped for.
Micromaster thought I wouldn't need metal barrels and maybe they are right. Though the 3d printed muzzle opening on each barrel doesn't look that deep, and presumably will never look as good as milled metal. Might go for one solution or the other, unsure.
At a glance, for the other parts, looks like I have zero parts broken off/loose, very nice.
The muzzle openings on the parts look better than in the photo.

One thing I think I know might not work well, is drilling out the 3d printed parts with a drill bit. Could be that the resin would too easily crack apart if I fool around with a drill bit, unsure.


 6 November 2024, 10:32

November 5, 2024

Q: Anything I should know before using a 0.2 airbrush? I finally ordered one to help get more control when airbrushing on paint onto models.

I think I've learned that the paint has to be properly thinned, more improtant with 0.2 than a "larger" airbrush.
Someone online claimed that tip try is more frequent than with a larger needle setup.
5 November 2024, 17:52
I do nearly all my paint jobs with the identical 0.2mm nozzle/needle, from primers (Alclad and MRP), paints (mostly lacquer like MRP, also Gunze) to clear coats. No problems. The models are 1:48. Once I used a 0.4 setup for a 1:24 car.
 5 November 2024, 18:46

November 3, 2024

megszerezte ezt
GHPM-Mobius 0.2mm
Dual Action Airbrush
GHPM-Mobius 0.2mm Premium Series
GHPM-Mobius 0.2mm
3 November 2024, 10:36
Treehugger Szerző
Btw, I thought a nice selling point for this airbrush, was the nozzle, which is self centering, no tiny nozzle to screw on.
 3 November 2024, 11:00

October 24, 2024

and Caleb Nave are now mates.
24 October 2024, 12:06

October 3, 2024

Hrm. Buying from online stores is hard.. 🙁
Just wanted to buy some AK Tools AK8076 Camouflage Elastic Putty.
[img1] (image upload)
3 October 2024, 07:54
Alexander Grivonev
ouch, no model shops in Norway which sell that?
 3 October 2024, 18:50
Treehugger Szerző
I found one but it was sold out iirc.
Hm, the last three years, two well known hobby stores closed down. One guy went bankrupt and the other retired. I think there's just a few other ones in my country.
 3 October 2024, 20:01

September 30, 2024

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Consolidated B-24 H Liberator
Airfix 1:72
A09010 2024 Új eszköz
30 September 2024, 03:54
Hrm, I thought parcels shipped by an airline (to Europe) would be shipped reasonably quick. A parcel sent from New Zeeland on 8. Sept. is still out there today 10 days later, and the last update was on the 13. Sept. 🙁 I also worry my parcel with 3d printed stuff is all smashed up or something.
18 September 2024, 20:17
Treehugger Szerző
I sent a complaint to NZ post and somehow, after a few days a mysterious entry was added. Suddenly an entry was added with last update being 16. Sept. This did not show on the 16. or the 17. and must have been added later I think. Anyway, parcel now in UK it seems, and not that far off. 🙂
 20 September 2024, 18:55
Dave Flitton
Keep us posted!
 21 September 2024, 03:24
Treehugger Szerző
NZ Postal service says to me in an email that this looks normal. And today it's been 14 days since the last tracking update in UK apparently. 🙁
 30 September 2024, 03:44

September 26, 2024

akarja ezt
Launch vehicle Soyuz-2.1
Zvezda 1:144
7500 2024 Új eszköz
26 September 2024, 16:51

September 25, 2024

megszerezte ezt
Model paint purification cup (for airbrush) S-130, S-150, KP-45, PS289, PS270, HP-CH, HP-CP
25 September 2024, 11:26

September 23, 2024

új fotóalbumot adott hozzá.
11 képek
Tamiya's M1A1 Abrams tankView album, image #11
Photo taken together with a tripod: (I should really order some black colored cyanoacrylate.) I knew I would get into tr...
1:35 M1A1 Abrams (Tamiya 35158)1:35 M1A1/A2 Abrams (Tamiya 35273)1:35 US T-156 Rubber Track (Armour Track Models TK-02)2+
9 10 September 2024, 09:47

September 14, 2024

I took some photos of the build guide for the 1:350 Naiad light anti-air cruiser, made a 42MB size pdf file, and then I tried to upload it to this website. But I don't see it afterwards, though I will simply wait a day and see if it shows up, maybe the file has to be approved or something before it shows up.

If people want to upload a better pdf file, they can just switch out the old one I guess. The initial version was 100MB large, which seemed a little too large. So file size was reduced to 42 MB.
5 September 2024, 12:33
Martin Oostrom
I think there's a 25mb file limit
 5 September 2024, 13:32
Treehugger Szerző
Ah! I'll try again with a smaller file.
Update: It worked!
 5 September 2024, 15:07
Martin Oostrom
 6 September 2024, 06:16
Treehugger Szerző
Btw, I took the opportunity to reduce the original pdf file from 42MB to some 9MB I think it was in the end. One thing I've learned is that overly large imagefile can be wasteful. Iirc, I switched from rgb mode to grayscale as well before saving the layered images as a pdf file.
 14 September 2024, 12:19

September 11, 2024

I find the lack of 'reviews' on this item disturbing. I only see "previews" listed. 🙂 I would have assumed that this would be a very popular kit being from Tamiya and given the 1:32 scale (though somewhat expensive).
F-16CJ [Block 50] Fighting Falcon
Tamiya 1:32
60315 2004 Új eszköz
Minden megjegyzés (8) » 2 5 September 2019, 15:48
Jorge Avila
I have a couple of these kits waiting to be built. From what I have heard and understand, this is possibly the best 32nd scale aircraft kit you can build in terms of engineering/fit and detail out of the box. I for one cannot wait to get to mine.
 10 September 2024, 16:56
Andrew Rice
This model was one of the best to come out of Tamiya. This model is what is termed 'a flagship' model, but it's status has been lowered a little because of other models that have been released in the Tamiya line.
 11 September 2024, 03:37

September 6, 2024

megszerezte ezt
Royal Navy
WW2 Water Tight Doors x32
Micro Master 1:350
6 September 2024, 14:01
megszerezte ezt
Royal Navy
Quad Vickers 0.50"/62 (12.7mm) MG MKIII x12 (No Shield)
Micro Master 1:350
6 September 2024, 14:00
megszerezte ezt
Royal Navy
35ft Fast Motor Boat x1
Micro Master 1:350
6 September 2024, 13:59
megszerezte ezt
Royal Navy
32ft Life Cutter x2
Micro Master 1:350
6 September 2024, 13:56
megszerezte ezt
Royal Navy
14ft Drifter Dinghy x4
Micro Master 1:350
6 September 2024, 13:55
megszerezte ezt
Royal Navy
10ft x 5ft (Type No. 20) Carley Floats x30
Micro Master 1:350
6 September 2024, 13:53

September 3, 2024

If you have a so called "smart phone" getting the HiPER calculator app off the Play store is nice (scientific calculator). It does unit conversion between say mm's and feet super easy and effortless. Trying now to match plastic parts in 1:350 scale to 3d printed stuff only described in feet in an online store.
1 3 September 2024, 06:10
Treehugger Szerző
Ok, I should explain how it works on the HiPER app.
Basically, any number you type into the calculator at once, if you press the 'CONV' button there's a menu that gives you a list of possible options, so you would choose 'millimeters', THEN AFTER THAT, the screen shows associated measurements in various standards, like inch and feet and who knows what else, lots of this stuff. E.g 1050mm = 41.338.. inches. Width of kit's searchlight = ca 3mm. 3x350=1050mm or ca 41 inches.

If you needed to change your initial imput, this number you typed in at the start, you can simply edit your existing number from the conversion screen on top, and the calculator immediately recalculates the other conversion numbers numbers.

I had some difficulty figuring out which aftermarket 'searchlight' product I wanted, as the product page onlys states inches not actual measurements in mm, and so I had to resort to a photo to figure out which what it was supposed to look like. The 44" looked like a match and sort of similar to my kit part, just a little wider. And so I think there's the 44" searchlight on at least one of the Dido light anti-air cruiser I saw in a photo. None of the other 3d-printed searchlights matched. I was lucky to even find just a single photo clearly showing the large searchlight on a Dido cruiser, and good enough to even notice details on the side matching the 44" searchlight 3d printed product in 1:350 scale.
 3 September 2024, 08:35

August 30, 2024

I just learned that there's this product for working with decals, presumably to loosen decals from the backplate paper. I wonder how it works. I sort of looks like there's this plastic box with a sponge in it, then you wet the sponge material (or whatever it is) then decals lie on top being softened and come unglue I think.
30 August 2024, 05:45

August 29, 2024

and Desert Marlin are now mates.
29 August 2024, 07:27

August 27, 2024

megszerezte ezt
Sea Master 1:350 Series
British 5.25 inch (133mm) QF Mark I Barrels (16 Pcs.) For King George V-class Battleships, Dido-class Cruisers & HMS Vanguard.
Master 1:350
SM-350-013 2008 Új eszköz Több téma (4)
27 August 2024, 06:28

August 26, 2024

Might it be ok if I plugged what seems like a really good paint stand? For 17ml bottles.
26 August 2024, 09:22

August 25, 2024

Q: Is there any convenient way of scratchbuilding railings along the side of the ship, for 1:350 ships?

I had this idea, but don't have the tools for it. Basically using metal rods, then clamping hard on 3-4 places to flatten spots on the rod, then drill holes in those flat spots, then pull a wire through the holes later. But chances are I think the whole rod will bend every which way when clamping hard on some spots to flatten the rod in places. I suppose working with styrene rods might be simpler, but then, when drilling holes in the flat parts, the styrene will likely snap or melt if ever coming in contact with liquid glue.

One other idea I had, was to maybe try scrape the photo etch railings, to try round the otherwise "square looking" horizontal parts, making them look thinner than the "rods" standing upright, making them look more like maybe some wire than welded metal pieces.

I have seen Tamiya having some aftermarket product for the rods, with metal wire, but only for the Japanese Yamato ship, which doesn't look like most other ships I would think.
Minden megjegyzés (5) » 24 August 2024, 09:09
Martin Oostrom
 25 August 2024, 15:31
Ben M
Might be possible to train spiders. 🕷️
 25 August 2024, 15:45

August 24, 2024

Still waiting for this to be released. :
German Submarine Type IX C/40 U190
Revell 1:144
05167 2024 Új eszköz
1 11 February 2024, 12:05
Now available at some shops, see above.
 17 July 2024, 18:54
Treehugger Szerző
I hope someone will review this kit in the next few weeks. I heh sort of wonder if maybe the delay was maybe caused by manufacturing mishaps.
 18 July 2024, 09:05
Jan Peters
Added one more review and a quick look from YouTube Treehugger
 24 August 2024, 11:32

August 22, 2024

megszerezte ezt
Royal Navy
21" TR MKIV Triple Torpedo Tubes x2 (Dido Class Cruisers)
Micro Master 1:350
MM1253P Több téma (1!!)
22 August 2024, 17:03
megszerezte ezt
Royal Navy
2-pdr Octuple Pom Poms (4cm/39) QF MKVIII on ‘M’ (MKV) Mount x2 (Wartime 45º)
Micro Master 1:350
22 August 2024, 16:28
megszerezte ezt
Royal Navy
5.25"/50 (13.4cm) QF MKI x5 (Early War Version)
Micro Master 1:350
MM1255P Több téma (1!!)
22 August 2024, 16:26
megszerezte ezt
Royal Navy
Byers Stockless 75cwt Anchors (Dido & Leander Class Cruisers) x2
Micro Master 1:350
MM0519P Több téma (3)
22 August 2024, 12:28
megszerezte ezt
King George V (1940), Dido, Vanguard Classes 16 x 5.25"/50 QF Mark I
RB Model 1:350
350L05 Több téma (4)
22 August 2024, 12:27
hozzáadott egy új projektet.
22 August 2024, 10:11

August 20, 2024

Is it just me, or does this seem a little expensive for just 2 barrels, when a bomber plane might have some 10 machineguns?
Minden megjegyzés (5) » 20 August 2024, 11:12
Treehugger Szerző
Ok, so I found these parts I had from before. Master AM-72-125. 13 barrels in this pack. Ok, these are somewhat cheaper.
Hm, I guess one gets 50% more barrels with the AM-72-125 pack for the same price.
Luckily for me, I have 3 of these, so.. heh, 39 barrels. 🙂 Didn't know I had so many of them in my stash.
 20 August 2024, 19:15
Shar Dipree
That was exactly what happened to me. I also found the set with the two MG barrels and thought the price was quite high. Then I came across the set with the 13 barrels for the B17 (AM-72-125) and bought that.
 20 August 2024, 19:23
Aha. This type of vehicle was recently included in Squad multiplayer. Typically known as a Bradley, but the M7A3 not having that annoying missile launcher on it.

I hope the tracks, if being track links, are better than with the Bradley kit made by Panda Hobby.
Update: Hrm, nope. Looks like the track links are sort of faked, looking the same as Panda Hobby ones.
M7A3 BFIST Bradley Fire Support Team Vehicle
Magic Factory 1:35
2006 2024 Új alkatrészek
20 August 2024, 07:28

August 19, 2024

Anyone know if this store re-opens?
They apparently sell 3d printed parts. Just ordered a 1:350 Dido cruiser, so the store had me interested.
I got the impression that maaybe it re-opens in Sept. 2024, but I can't find any solid info on that. I gave their FB site a look but I didn't notice any info of importance, but perhaps I missed it.
As of this time, placing an order on their website just spawns a popup asking to contact the website or something.
19 August 2024, 07:24
Treehugger Szerző
Ok looking closer at their FB page, I found this statement "Should be open again early September! ". 🙂
 19 August 2024, 14:30
Steven Van Dyck
See my review of some micromaster products, I got them from Shapeways because the store was closed last year.
 19 August 2024, 17:50
Treehugger Szerző
Btw, I will probably buy some 3d-printed stuff. Hopefully, and I guess I will find out, if the 3d-printed resin will be a good match with the Dido 5.25" metal barrels I already ordered someplace else.

Btw, if you think the 3d-printed stuff is subpar, you might as well say so. I do expect some rough surface texture, I just don't know how bad compared to other 3d printed stuff I've bought in the past.

Edit: I've looked at some 1:350 stuff on their FB page, and I think it looks ok.
 19 August 2024, 19:02
Steven Van Dyck
If it's barrels I would indeed prefer metal, these you want to avoid sanding to keep them round. But the Richelieu turrets I bought are necessary even if they have to be sanded, they are proportionally superior to the kit. Also keep in mind that with an extra in the price you can opt for the supreme quality setting, in this case I chose medium resolution.
 19 August 2024, 19:24
Q: Does anyone know if the Dido class WW2 anti air light cruiser ships, were ever painted in plain light gray? Either before WW2, or during WW2?
Having difficulty finding out info on this, and I thoght I'd ask to avoid having to buy books about this subject.
19 August 2024, 14:37
John Hughes
This any help?

 19 August 2024, 17:29
Treehugger Szerző
Thanks. The photo of the HMS Bonaventure looks interesting.
 19 August 2024, 18:55
megszerezte ezt
Upgrade Set
Browning M2 12,7mm heavy machine gun
RB Model 1:35
35B013 (35B13) 2005 Új eszköz
19 August 2024, 09:24
megszerezte ezt
VMS Varnish HD XXL 100 ml Matt
VMS (Vantage Modeling Solutions)
AX15M 2022 Új eszköz
19 August 2024, 09:14
megszerezte ezt
VMS Varnish HD XXL 100 ml Gloss
VMS (Vantage Modeling Solutions)
AX15G 2022 Új eszköz
19 August 2024, 09:13
megszerezte ezt
VMS Varnish HD XXL 100 ml Satin
VMS (Vantage Modeling Solutions)
AX15S 2022 Új eszköz
19 August 2024, 09:13
megszerezte ezt
19 August 2024, 08:56
megszerezte ezt
US T-156 Rubber Track for K1,M1 & M1A1
Armour Track Models 1:35
TK-02 2002 Új eszköz
19 August 2024, 08:53
megszerezte ezt
M1A1 Abrams with Mine Plow
Tamiya 1:35
35158 1992 Új alkatrészek
19 August 2024, 08:47
hozzáadott egy új projektet.
11 képek
1:35 M1A1 Abrams (Tamiya 35158)1:35 M1A1/A2 Abrams (Tamiya 35273)1:35 US T-156 Rubber Track (Armour Track Models TK-02)2+
M1A1 Abrams
US Mainland

3-tone camouflage
1 19 August 2024, 08:46
megszerezte ezt
HMS Naiad
Trumpeter 1:350
05366 2024 Új eszköz
19 August 2024, 07:14

August 18, 2024

According to a youtuber, mixing Tamiyas X-20A acrylic(!) thinner with Vallejo's Metal Color paints, is a good mix. Said to add some needed retarder effect. I hope I get to try that out some day with some all metal skin finish.
18 August 2024, 16:50
akarja ezt
Minicraft Model Kits 1:144
14713 2013 Új matricák
18 August 2024, 10:04
Hmm, is this kit not released yet?
HMS Rodney
Trumpeter 1:350
05626 2017* Új eszköz
18 August 2024, 09:50

August 16, 2024

Oh, wow! This looks like a super useful tool for airbrushing on a digital camo!
16 August 2024, 10:08
Tip. If you don't want to make new holes in your wall for this thing, if you already have two holes, you can simply drill two holes in the holder, and re-use the old two holes. 🙂
Wall Mounted Paint Display 17ml - 43 bottles
16 August 2024, 09:40

August 14, 2024

Why does this cutting blade, this small rod, why does it fall out of the circle cutter now? Maybe it was supposed to be magnetic?
This circle cutter is many years old now.
The problem is that, whenever I turn the cutter around to cut some masking tape, the cutting rod simply falls out.

[img1] (image upload)
14 August 2024, 09:34

August 7, 2024

and Kim Harris are now mates.
7 August 2024, 17:23
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C-130H Hercules
Great Wall Hobby (GWH) 1:144
L1011 2024 Új eszköz
7 August 2024, 07:58

August 5, 2024

I finally got around to airbrushing a tank model with some "anti slip" paste added on the plastic. What a nice result, and such fun to work with. Simple, easy, and looking very nice. One layer if wanting a rough, light layer, and two layers if you want a more solid and similar texture all over. I used a 4mm wide flat brush for the application iirc. One basically dip the brush tip into the tube opening, then dot the plastic with a small amount, and then, you keep touching the paste on the plastic, until you create a pattern of more fine particles, tiny bits of paste.

A.MIG-2033 Anti-Slip Paste -..or 1/35, Ammo by Mig Jimenez Matt, Acrylic, 20ml
5 August 2024, 12:13

August 3, 2024

Aaah. Much too fiddly imo. The photo etch imo, is too thin, making it hard/unforgiving to correct mistakes without bending the photo etch.
I gave up on this. Maybe someone more careful than me can make it look ok. Imo, the larger parts should have been made of plastic, not thin photo etch. Maybe better if the photo etch was thicker.
M1A1 Bustle Rack Extension (for Tamiya)
Eduard 1:35
35598 2003 Új eszköz
3 August 2024, 18:28

July 26, 2024

akarja ezt
RFA Tide-class Fast Fleet Tanker
EV Model 1:700
S087 2024 Új eszköz
26 July 2024, 15:46

July 24, 2024

akarja ezt
HMS Naiad
Trumpeter 1:350
05366 2024 Új eszköz
24 July 2024, 06:40

July 16, 2024

I bought some Mig Ammo 'Anti slip paste'. Two tubes, one for 1:72&1:48, and another tube for 1:35 scale.
I put this stuff onto some plastic, and an hour later, I do not think I can tell there being any difference between the two.
One is ofc black and the other brown, but the texture from using the same brush, the texture sort of looks exactly the same.

What should I expect being a difference here between the two tubes, anyone know?
15 July 2024, 18:06
Treehugger Szerző
Oh, wow, this was a lot of fun to put on: [img1]
I used the brown 1:35 scale tube.
A single layer. They suggest putting on two layers. Looking at photos of the US M1A1 tank I get the impression that a single layer will do nicely.
 16 July 2024, 05:22

July 14, 2024

új fotóalbumot adott hozzá.
11 képek
Revell's A400M military transport in 1:144 scaleView album, image #7
My favourite photo I think. Happy about thinning the wings and stabs on the rear side.
1:144 Airbus A400M "ATLAS" (Revell 04859)
Minden megjegyzés (7) » 15 2 March 2020, 11:02
Zbynek Honzik
Beautiful and clean job, Treehugger! 👏👏👏
 14 July 2024, 06:29
Treehugger Szerző
Thank you. 🙂
I remember learning the importance of using primer paint to hide seams. I did eventually learn that, the moment you add glue to a seam, even though it might look smooth, chances are that the plastic is "melted/eaten away" at the edges ever so slightly and that a tiny gap will appear along the glued seam.
Later I learned that a simpler way of fixing seams, is to just use a toothpick or something for applying a rich amount of primer paint along a seam, and then gently sand flush.
One issue with Vallejo's primer paint, might be that the primer don't stick to the plastic well enough, and so cleaning the surface with alcohol and maybe sanding it a little should help make the primer paint stick I think.

Edit: The future of scale modeling projects for me, has to include some kind of piece of paper making notes, because I find it annoying that I keep forgetting subtle things I thought about earlier, but forgot as time passed.
 14 July 2024, 07:49

July 8, 2024

All this time, I thought the US Abrams tank had symmetric frontal armor plates on the turret, and so I look at a Tamiya kit in my stash and go "wtf" as I see something unexpected.

[img1] (image upload)
8 July 2024, 13:51
Bob Hall
It's just angled, we didn't to much worry about turret armor as IED's we're more ground base, I had 2 buddies get seriously F'd up due to a mine. Bust the TUSK add on's came in midway through the war around 2008 or so. Here's some picks of one of my trips to the sand box, there a pic of the tank my buddies were in.
Iraq 2007-2009 | Album by springfieldm14
 8 July 2024, 14:05

July 6, 2024

I regret buying this track links kit, it doesn't make much sense to me.
1) The driver sprockets looks exactly like more modern Leopard drive sprockets, not at all an Abrams one. Very different.
2) The two rollers at the front in resin, are larger than the Tamiya kit.

I will use the, le sigh, vinyl tracks probably.
T156 Track Track Links (workable) for K1/M1/M1A1
Trumpeter 1:35
6 July 2024, 17:45
Hrm, I have this Iwata HP-CS Eclipse 0.35 airbrush and I am stressing a little when trying to airbrush on some camo (without masking). I didn't want to use masking tape and I don't have any camo goo to spread over as masking either.

Like with my other attempt with this other tank I think I have to airbrush on desert yellow over the darker colors and try correct the shapes of the camo. The big part on the side and the wheels arent' glued on.

I've never done this before (I used masking tape the last time I worked on a tank), I think I have to make sure the Vallejo Air paint is thin, and then try lower the psi way below 20 psi and try get close to get a crisp line when airbrushing. And I don't want to take off my needle guard to get closer, as I don't want to bend the needle tip, again. 🙂

I didn't want to make a WIP album for this, just another side project.

Minden megjegyzés (8) » 3 July 2024, 12:13
Treehugger Szerző
Fixed. Well worth the effort just correcting the mistakes. Very carefully airbrushing on more paint to correct the camo pattern, making sure I don't widen the spray too much by keeping the paint flow low. 33% thinner mixed worked, but with some tip try for Vallejo Air. Maybe a little more thinner mix would work even better, but not a big issue with 33% thinner mix and 67% Vallejo Air paint.

An other model of mine, sort of looked like a panda after the first round of airbrushign on a camo pattern, too large shapes. Fixed by changing the pattern to look less than blobs and more like stripes.

Btw, that tube thingy behind the turret was re-made with a piece of metal cylinder early on, because I wasn't able to clean up the plastic parts, looks much nicer this way.

Oh, wait I see a couple of errors with the camo on the turret. Sigh. Must fix that.

 6 July 2024, 08:35
I suck at fine lines- so for sharp lines, I use masking tape I cut to the pattern I want - it's time consuming, but gets me the desired results.. I do this for Russian jets that seem to have well defined lines (Ianyone correct me if I am wrong on this)

For camo that blends, I either use camo goo (similar to Gorby's Blue Tec), or I use Max Afterburner's trick of creating paper masks and leaving them 1mm off the surface so it blends with the other color. This is a must for US camo schemes.

I personally haven't had a flood experience with Blue Tac - it does leave an oily residue the longer you keep it on a surface (try it on a piece of paper for a week). The el-cheap white ones from China are worse - they really stick to the surface - so I tend to use the good, or paper masks.

The downside with good is that it doesn't retain it's shape very well over time - so in warmer weather, it will just "melt" leaving you with flatter lines that don't retain the original pattern. It's great for on the fly masking and painting, but when you are stretched for time and want to mask days ahead of painting, the paper mask works better.

These are my experience - your mileage may vary. 😀
 6 July 2024, 08:55

July 3, 2024

akarja ezt
Rafale - Air intakes for Revell, Academy
UA ResKit 1:48
3 July 2024, 12:36

July 2, 2024

Oh, joy! 🙂
I am so glad I finally figured out a preferred way to add a gloss coat (and airbrushing on Vallejo primers and paints in general).
Re. the bottle of Vallejo Gloss coat (presumably the newer stuff, which I think I have). I think there is an old version, and a new variant.

Trick imo, is to use a thinner mix. 70% flow improver + 30% thinner + 10% additional gooey retarder medium (mixed separately outside a bottle), then all poured into a larger bottle so you mix some thinner mix, on some rare occasion, so say 100ml thinner mix on the ready.

[img1] (image upload)

Some potential issues:
1) A good result is getting a wet-in-wet application, using say 15 psi with 0.5 needle setup, to get enough paint flow. 0.35 isn't good enough imo. Airbrushing on primer seem to require 20-22 psi.
2) However, too much, and there may be some discoloration, both too much matte and too much Vallejo glossy varnish = bright spots. Unsure if they go away with time. I think the matte discoloration stays as a brightened surface if you fail to thin it.
3) Vallejo Varnish is supposed to be thinned 50:50, never used as is without thinning afaik.
4) In my experience, too much flow improver, or retarder, it takes too long for the paint/varnish to go dry.
5) Too much varnish pooling up in a corner, and the varnish will afaik start building up and some detail will be less crisp I think if you overdo it.
6) A more wet paint, or paint airbrushed on wet-in-wet, can get tricky when used with masking tape, as the liquid touching the masking tape might creep under it if the masking tape is not properly attached.
7) Thicker decal film might require say three or who knows how many layers of gloss coat, to hide the decal film edges. On the Ohio SSBN model, it seems I will need at least three layers (right over the decals) to hide the decal film edge.
2 July 2024, 10:18

June 30, 2024

új fotóalbumot adott hozzá.
26 képek
Dragon's Ohio Class SSGN (or SSBN) in 1:350 scaleView album, image #26
Very happy with this result. Oh, I heh got carried away with the decals and forgot I was supposed to add oils, so I have...
1:350 U.S.S. Florida SSGN-728 (Dragon 1056)
Minden megjegyzés (14) » 33 13 January 2021, 13:31
John Ballman
Hope your having fun doing this. You are correcting a lot of the issues that most don't.
 18 May 2024, 18:32
Bob Hall
Sweet 👍 !
 24 May 2024, 17:37

June 28, 2024

megszerezte ezt
28 June 2024, 22:13
megszerezte ezt
28 June 2024, 22:13
megszerezte ezt
28 June 2024, 22:13
megszerezte ezt
28 June 2024, 22:13
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Rivet Making Tool - 1.00mm,1.25mm,1.5mm
Galaxy Model (Galaxy Tools)
T09B01 2020 Új eszköz
28 June 2024, 20:43
Using Vallejo's range of acrylic paints, I've managed to reduce the waste I create, in some sense at least. Instead of moving paint into some water, I wipe if off with some paper. This then removed 99.99% of the paint from the little water I use. The trash gets incinerated afaik, so better that way. Instead of first dunking a brush into some water I instead first wipe off most of the paint with some piece of paper towel, getting most of the paint out that way.
28 June 2024, 11:42

June 21, 2024

Oh, no! Re. Dspiae magnetic paint mixer.
My larger 200ml bottles of Vallejo primer paint don't work with the metal bars, and so the paint doesn't mix, I simply assumed it would work. 🙁

How can I know this don't work? Well.. instead of placing a metal bar inside a bottle of primer paint, I put a metal bar inside a 200ml bottle of thinner, and even though the metal bar spins around, it comes to a rest, always, and so it doesn't work. The seemingly obvious reason why the metal bar don't spin properly is I think, the convex shaped bottom of the plastic bottle. The 200ml has a larger "hill" than the 60ml one.

I believe the smaller 60ml bottles works nicely though, but apparently the 200ml don't. 🙁

Good thing I just bought some huge 10mm large metal balls for paint mixing, and will use those instead inside my 200ml bottles of Vallejo primer paint.

To "clean" things up, I used a telescoping magnetic rod, to fish out the small metal rods I used and also any smaller balls I added previously, and then replaced those mixer items with larger two 10mm metal balls in each 200ml primer bottle.
21 June 2024, 08:41
Treehugger Szerző
Btw, I like this new way of mine mixing paint, instead of measurement by drops, I just weigh it all, simple math. Have to make sure I don't include the weight of the strainer/sift. The strainer is necessary to avoid bits of dry primer paint clogging up the airbrush. The paint, in the tiny glass jar, has to be mixed, never with a brush to avoid bubbles, but mixed using the wooden tip/handle at the end of the brush.

Note: This scale weight is not accurate enough to weigh individual drops of liquid. 0.1g seems more like it, than 0.01g sensibility.

 21 June 2024, 09:17

June 16, 2024

I think I just learned that, when thinning Vallejo Air paint in a paint mixer cup, using a brush = bubbles. So bubbles = bad, as the damn tiny bubbles don't seem to vanish, when I try to smoothen out a cavity by adding a rich amount of say white Vallejo Air paint.

Trick is to mix the paint with a round stick, to avoid making bubbles.

I've previously managed to get rid of bubbles by simply blowing a short burst of air onto the surface but this won't work well in some situations where you risk the paint blowing/moving away.
16 June 2024, 08:47

June 14, 2024

Hm, I just noticed. This Trumpeter track links kit (the box I got anyway) comes with some resin parts, like for the main sprocket wheel pulling the tracks.
However, I can't identify this sprocket design on Abrams tanks on photos. I do see the sprocket wheel in a modern Leopard photo. Weird? Or, do both tanks use the same sprocket design maybe?
How old is this sprocket design anyway? Anybody know? (Seen in the photo of the leo in the link just below.) (image upload)
T156 Track Track Links (workable) for K1/M1/M1A1
Trumpeter 1:35
11 June 2024, 07:16
Steven Van Dyck
Here I found a comparative review with the Trumpeter sprocket in it: . It says Trumpeter includes a retaining ring part that was discontinued in all but the USMC tanks. Is it still in your track set?
 11 June 2024, 08:08
Treehugger Szerző
The kit box came with several resin parts and the retaining ring was included.
This retainer ring, ofc, isn't what I had in mind, just for clarification.
Btw, the track links kit, afaik comes in two versions. I have the one linked above.
There were six resin parts in the box: two front roller wheels, two drive sprockets, and also two retaining rings.

I guess what I found weird, is that the resin drive sprokets, doesn't look like the ones in the Trumper tank kit you linked to.
 14 June 2024, 16:10

June 10, 2024

I learned recently, that if one wanted to use syringe tips for shiny metal parts, like shiny rods in landing gear parts, there is also plain (non sharp) syringes to buy. Difficulty might be to find some that sell a pack of various diameters but I did find one package. Heh, never got around/dared to ask around at the pharmacy for such parts. Such syringe tips must be a lot easier to work with, than solid steel parts I think.
1 10 June 2024, 18:31

June 8, 2024

These are some imo really nice bottles to have. Bought from Temu.
Though, I am not quite sure if the drops coming off these are smaller than other drops, like from a Vallejo 17ml bottle. It sort of looks like it maybe, not entirely sure, which would mess up the mixing ratio I think. Still I prefer these to the larger awkward Vallejo bottles.
One is filled with airbrush cleaning liquid (30ml?), the other a thinner mix (50ml).
The plastic bottle material is moderately soft, neither hard, nor soft, and so the bottle can easily be squeezed.

7 June 2024, 06:54
Treehugger Szerző
Now that I think about it, a solution to making accurate mixing ratios, might be to use the combination of a small jar + small digital scale weight, that way at least, it doesn't matter how large or small the drops are, as long as the amount of paint and thinner sums up to whatever amount you want. 🙂 Obviously a digital kitchen scale weight wouldn't be accurate I think, but there are cheap tiny digital scale weights that should work ok I think. These small digital scale weights has a max weight of 100g iirc.

Using my digital kitchen scale weight, an empty small 5ml jar is about 5g. It just says "5g", with no decimal places.
Filling the jar up to 4 ml, adds 3g using water.
So total weight of a small jar would be around 10g at max.
A small digital scale weight apparently can show 3g as 3.01g, which would help alot to get a more accurate measurement.
 8 June 2024, 05:56
George Williams
You're making it much too complicated.
 8 June 2024, 12:34
Treehugger Szerző
I have a fun time airbrushing on Vallejo primer paint now using a thinner mix, but the added retarder medium makes it more difficult to thin by eye like I was used to when preparing a mix with Vallejo Air paint (not primer paint), and so I think using a scale weight will simplify things for me, the graduated jars isn't very useful as the lines are too few and so too crude, and somehow the paint creeps up along the glass wall as well heh in a small measuring jar. And counting lots of drops, is starting to irritate me when mixing paint.
 8 June 2024, 16:29
Haaah. I ordered a 1:24 Dodge 70 Challenger kit off Revell's store on
...and some hours later I realize that the kit will be shipped in December.
I was not aware of that when I placed the order.
This is bizarre. Not a word about it being a pre-order on Amazon.
23 May 2024, 22:37
Treehugger Szerző
Update: Apparently, is working on something.
I sent a complaint/comment at some point, and then after a while it said delivery in June, then it said June-December, and now today it says June again. Seems like progress maybe. 😄
Still not shipped though..
 8 June 2024, 08:50

June 3, 2024

Q: Where are the headlights on a 1968 Dodge Challenger? 🙂 Sort of looks like that car has no headlights, seems dangerous. 😄
3 June 2024, 13:34

June 2, 2024

hozzáadott egy új projektet.
2 2 June 2024, 12:25

May 29, 2024

megszerezte ezt
'70 Dodge Challenger Detail Set Revell
The Model Car Garage 1:24
29 May 2024, 20:12
I am very happy with this cross locking tweezer, bought off Temu. I have 5 more on the way. 🙂 1mm thick metal. Two versions, I think I ordered the smallest one.

I am tempted to buy a cheap pipette tool for lab use to better mix paint, as I don't trust my measuring jar when mixing thinner and primer paint and sitting there counting 50 drops of thinner and another 50 drops of paint is getting annoying. The drop sizes doesn't even look the same size. Bought some gloves size L for camping, but seemed just a little too small and so regret that purchase. Was able to find some larger paint mixing balls in steel, and also found some other stuff like mini funnels. Will buy some uv glue to use with my new uv light (protection googles required). Apparently they also sell those tiny sifts you can put inside an airbrush cup (unlisted U-Star product I think). Whatever you do, don't buy plastic scale model kits off Temu, it really seems like a ripoff, and I think I can blame it on the ONE seller there. 🙂
29 May 2024, 11:52

May 23, 2024

megszerezte ezt
'70 Dodge Challenger T/A 2'n1 Street Burner
Revell 1:24
85-2596 2016 Új doboz
23 May 2024, 16:20

May 21, 2024

Are there any aftermarket parts for round clear parts? Anybody know?
I'm sure I've seen something like that mentioned on youtube some time ago.
21 May 2024, 11:54
maybe you can try home made thermomolding , basically take the shape you need and press a clear sheet against it. you can make a hole in a piece of thin wood staple the plastic, warm it up on top of a toaster,and press on top of the created rounded shape.
 21 May 2024, 12:05
i did that ages ago and made a clear and thin cockpit for a mig29, and the dome of an R2D2 that I was scratching
today you can also get one like Vacuum Forming Machine (Micro-Mark 85756, No)

 21 May 2024, 12:08

May 16, 2024

I ordered some "soft raw brass" wire in a variety of thicknesses, and I hope I didn't make a mistake doing that.
I had some copper wiring at home that I tried to use, but found it hard to bend the wire, and so it was annoying to use.
1 16 May 2024, 13:57
Brass is harder then copper.
You can try to glow the copper wire in a candle flame. It will be soft and you got a used look 😉
 16 May 2024, 14:07
Treehugger Szerző
What do you think they meant with "raw" though? Curious about that. I guess I'll find out. 😛 Ordered off Temu.

I'll consider ordering some aluminum wiring, but didn't find thinner ones and just went with what I ordered today.

The brass wiring I ordered is anywhere inbetween 0.1 and 1.0 mm in a variety of thicknesses.
 16 May 2024, 14:33
I don't know about raw. There are different brass alloys, may be related to that.

I cannot recommend aluminum. It is very brittle and can hardly be bent in small diameters.

Try glowing of the copper, which can be made with brass too.
For modeling purpose (like pipes and wiring for aircraft for example) lead wire is still a method of choice:
SCM Search: lead wire
 16 May 2024, 14:44
Treehugger Szerző
Btw, I used some solder wire earlier, which was ok, but really really soft. Only had one thickness of it in my stash.
 16 May 2024, 15:22

May 13, 2024

Re. 1:24 car kits. Has anyone tried scratch building the clear parts for cars? I imagine the glass surfaces are just a little bent and isn't curved, and so one could imagine just putting in place some flexing clear styrene sheet in place, maybe heat treat it to remove the tendency to flex back into a flat surface.
13 May 2024, 19:44

May 6, 2024

Edit: Oh, wait!! ZTZ-96 vs ZTZ-99, how could I have not noticed the two different tank model numbers.
I bought the wrong track links kit. 🙁

HB kit does NOT fit the Bronco track links kit found here. Not even close: 🙁
ZTZ-99 Steel Type (Bronco AB3530, 1:35)


Sure, Scalemates doesn't show the two being a match, but I thought, all the other HB ZTZ-99's listed there, but somehow this one kit I had, did not match, for reasons unknown.
Chinese PLA
ZTZ 96A Main Battle Tank
HobbyBoss 1:35
82464 2010 Új alkatrészek
6 May 2024, 20:03


2024-05-06 20:03:29

2016-12-08 20:43:11


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