1971 Mitsubishi Colt Galant GTO-MR
Photo 1 of 14
1 8 January 2019, 16:59

Another beauty! Do you display these at shows? I'd love to see it up close and personal.
9 January 2019, 00:50

Thank you mates.
@Greg Baker
Thank you. Do you live in South Korea now? I am a member of Hobbycamp, offline modelling club. Hobbycamp displays their works two times in a year. One is Shizuoka Hobby Show in Japan(May), another is Modelling Display Show in Korea(September). If you visit our website(blog.naver.com/darell ), you can also see our many works.
9 January 2019, 21:01

Thanks Yeowoong! Yes, I live in Seoul. I think I've been to the Modeling Display Show a couple of years ago. I also regularly go to the Hobby Fair in March. That one seems to bring out all the clubs. I'll check out the website, I've never really investigated any modelling club before.
9 January 2019, 22:27

I checked out the page... I went to the 2017 display show. I recognize that room and some of the models!~
9 January 2019, 23:10
Album info
Body : Tamiya Lacquer
- Pure Orange : Pure Yellow = 6 : 4