Dornier Do-22, Royal Yugoslav Air Force
110 29 January 2021, 13:14

Work super .do not know the features of this aircraft but looks great
29 January 2021, 16:16

Thank you mates! Erik, the propeller is free spinning, so I was just blowing some air on it, while taking photos.
29 January 2021, 16:36

NICELY Done Aleksandar!! Love the transparency and color of the water to only mention one thing! Believable weathering too!
29 January 2021, 16:44

with the spinning prop and that fabulous water, it just need a good background to be totally real
29 January 2021, 22:16

This is a piece of art Alexandar! can you tell us something about the kit - I also had an eye about it but was not sure about the buildability? And how did you do the water?
30 January 2021, 08:18

Thanks so much for all your positive comments!
Thomas, the model is old school resin, with only the solid wing weighing at 134g. Floats were warped in my sample so I had to straighten them by heat. Everything is held by the struts, yet they have no positive alignment and are supposed to be but-jointed (!?!) So, I replaced most of them and reinforced all by inserting steel wires. It is a tough build.
As for the water, the waves were first modeled in plasticine, with inprints for the floats then moulded in silicone and finally made in clear resin tinted by artist inks. The white crests are made with AK Water Gel Effects and Water Foam. I am adding two images to the album showing the process
30 January 2021, 12:37

How did you shape the water in photo 3?
Edit: Ah, you are using putty, wow, it would never cross my mind to using putty for shaping waves, what a nice idea!
30 January 2021, 13:42

Hi Aleksandar,
that's a tremendous build. I've followed your progress on MK forum I'm still in awe of your skills. I have saved your WIP as a future reference for building mine.
Incidentally I want to represent the same machine as you did so pressure is on me making it look half as good as yours 🙂
Great work my friend 👍
30 January 2021, 14:01

Thank you for the compliments Markus 😄
Always glad to see international crew on the MK forum! If you have any questions when you start your build feel free to ask!
30 January 2021, 14:43

@ Treehugger, I modelled the water with plasticine, not putty. Plasticine remains pliable and can be reshaped infinitely... I came across this technique while researching modelling water. For anyone interested I'd recommend watching this YouTube video: Youtube Video

30 January 2021, 14:52

Thank you for the link video, mate! Modelling is also about share... Cheers
30 January 2021, 16:57

Yes! Thanks for the link and progress photos! (Your water feature looks a lot better!! LOL!)
31 January 2021, 16:20

Btw, in a 3d software like Maya, one could/would create an ocean surface with the 'ocean shader' and the waves are created by sort of layering or dividing the waves up into frequencies with different wave lengths, sort of mixing the big waves with the small ones, which adds up to a convincing looking ocean surface, then there are 200+ or so other paramters in addition to things one can also animate (with more or less some difficulty). 😄
31 January 2021, 16:45

I like this technique of his and I want to try it out, I hope the additional work after creating the plasticine stuff isn't too hard.
31 January 2021, 16:47

Definitely stuff for the print - plane, water & all - top spec 👍. I already saw your Tu-26 in a mag, looking forward to discovering this!
2 February 2021, 22:36

Many thanks to all!
Slavo, not sure if you refer to my An-26 or Tu-22m3. The Dornier will appear in the same mag as the Tu-22 did.
This reminds me to create another album here for the An-26... 🙂
3 February 2021, 13:25

Excellence overall! The kit isn't for the faint hearted, must have been a hell of ride to achieve this level. Also the slice of Mediterranean looks fabulous. Great work 👍
3 February 2021, 15:13

Excellent work !! Very nice model, an eye-catcher at every exhibition!
Why did you cut the engine?
21 December 2021, 20:36

One of the most impressive pieces of excelling modeling skill I have ever seen- congratulation!!
12 January 2024, 06:20
Album info
This is a 1:48 Planet Model kit, served on homemade slice of Mediterranean Sea with the crew of three. Ol' school resin, with parasol wing and mixed salad of struts and strings ensures that this model is even rarer than its historic subject. I am just finishing an article about this build for a magazine, so I cannot show you all the adventures on the way at this time, but believe me it wasn't boring.