makett adatbázis | polc kezelés
Dmitry Melnikov (Ditrich)



Dmitry Melnikov
új fotóalbumot adott hozzá.
Minden megjegyzés (19) » 59 12 March 2022, 11:49
Dmitry Melnikov Szerző
Thanks! I'll add more pics later)
 14 March 2022, 21:08
Tom ...
Wow. Absolutely love it! Amazing work. So good.
 4 April 2022, 06:29
Dmitry Melnikov
új fotóalbumot adott hozzá.
Minden megjegyzés (7) » 12 24 May 2021, 20:06
Frank Krause
@Dmitry Melnikov Thank you for the information, Dmitry! It's a pity, that no detailed interior pictures are existing. Well, I've got two of the kits. So I will go as per ICM building instructions and the other one similar like yours.
 25 May 2021, 07:37
Dmitry Melnikov Szerző
Frank, there are very few photos of this car and they are of poor quality. But there are some good views of the radio station installed on the right side of the combat compartment. I want to do exactly this option. The ICM kit contains a set of radio equipment that could not be installed on this armored vehicle. My model will have a FuG-7 radio station installed. (UKW. E. d + 20-W. S. d)
 25 May 2021, 10:03

June 6, 2024

Dmitry Melnikov
új fotóalbumot adott hozzá.
15 6 June 2024, 10:52
Ricard Gomicia Calatayud
awsome paint work!
 6 June 2024, 15:47
Michael Kohl
Very well done model, beautiful photography.
 6 June 2024, 19:50
Dmitry Melnikov
befejezte ezt
MD 035222
Ford-T Ambulance PE-detail set for ICM
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MD 035222 2016 Új eszköz
6 June 2024, 10:51
Dmitry Melnikov
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Model T 1917 Ambulance WWI American Car
UA ICM 1:35
35661 2016 Új eszköz
6 June 2024, 10:50
Dmitry Melnikov
befejezte ezt
Wheel set for Ford T 1:35
DMS-35024 2021 Új eszköz
6 June 2024, 10:49
Dmitry Melnikov
új fotóalbumot adott hozzá.
11 6 June 2024, 10:21
Dmitry Melnikov
befejezte ezt
Soviet truck
AMO-F-15 (late)
Studio Perfect Model (SPM) 1:35
35048 2023 Új alkatrészek
6 June 2024, 10:16
Dmitry Melnikov
hozzáadott egy új projektet.
17 képek
1:35 AMO-F-15 (late) (Studio Perfect Model 35048)
2 6 June 2024, 10:06

May 9, 2024

Dmitry Melnikov
akarja ezt
FWD Type B WWI Ammunition Truck
UA ICM 1:35
35656 2024 Új alkatrészek
9 May 2024, 12:22


2024-05-09 12:22:57

2020-07-29 18:13:43


/ajax/wnolder.php?lang=hu&sd=2024-05-09 12:22:57&md=2020-07-29 18:13:43&filter=&w=76889
