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Light Tanks Groupbuild

Dettagli dell'evento

Light Tanks Groupbuild
-Any light tank, any scale, any era, Must be classified as a light tank or tankette. Panzer jaegers, tank destroyers, engineering vehicles, etc. built on light tank chassis are not allowed.
L'evento non ha contest


3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
Orari di apertura:


20 Modellisti che hanno programmato una visita all'evento



Mike Goldberg MikeyBugs95
Wim van der Luijt Loftinsulator
Paul Green Sir Twig
Martyn Fox Bigfoxy61
George Bacon Gbmodeler
Dave Flitton Dflitton
Lionel Marco Yoyo le Petaf
william wise billwise
Wayne Hale WHALE
Alan Rush alanrush
David Styres Capt.Kill
Rick Beman RickB464

In gara

George Bacon Gbmodeler

Foto albums

There are 8 photoalbums related to this event.

15 immagini
Light Tanks GroupbuildView album, image #1
We're off and running!
1:35 PT-76 (Trumpeter 00379)
18 immagini
Light Tanks GroupbuildView album, image #18
The base I may use with the kit
1:35 Pz.Kpfw. 35(t) (Academy 13280)1:35 Bulgaria Tanks in WW2 (Bison Decals 35112)1:35 Panzer 35 (t) the metal tracks (Spade Ace Models SAT-35020)2+
8 immagini
Light Tanks GroupbuildView album, image #1
Here are the parts, somewhat out of focus. Two sheets of photoetch. The bag bottom left is full of the springs for sus...
1:35 Light Tank Mark VI C (Vulcan Scale Models 56009)
16 immagini
Light Tanks Groupbuild View album, image #1
the wheels. very nicely done.
1:35 Pzkpfw.II Ausf.J (HobbyBoss 83803)
20 immagini
Light Tanks GroupbuildView album, image #17
1:35 Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. A 4.Serie/La.S (Dragon 6451)1:35 Ghost Division Tank Crew (Dragon 6654)
12 immagini
Light Tanks Groupbuild
1:35 T-26 Light Infantry Tank (HobbyBoss 82496)1:35 Soviet T-26 Light Infantry Tank Mod.1935 (Voyager Model PE35575)
15 immagini
Light Tanks GroupbuildView album, image #11
1:35 Light Tank 38M Toldi IIa(B40) (HobbyBoss 82478)1:35 Toldi / Nimrod Metal Track (Spade Ace Models SAT-35118)1:35 40mm 37/42M gun barrel (SBS Model 35008)
13 immagini
Light Tanks GroupbuildView album, image #1
1:35 Walker Bulldog (AFV Club AF35041)

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Rick Beman
will attend
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
Tutti i commenti (8) » 15 July 2014, 01:19
Hunter Cummins
Ok sounds good lol
I just domthve a jeep haha
 19 July 2014, 00:40
John Van Kooten
There are no doubts 😉 A Hetzer is not a tank.

A classification of "tank" is well defined and outlined by a number of specific properties. For instance, a tank needs to have a turret that is able to rotate 360 degrees. If if doesn't have that, it isn't a tank. Simple as that.

By the way, the initial meaning of the word "tank" when the thing was first invented was exactly the literal meaning: an enclosed box (like fish-tank). As was the initial literal meaning of "Panzer" because it was an armored vehicle. So if you go by the literal meaning of those words, any and all military vehicles would fall in the tank classification because all of them are armored and have the properties of a box 😉 except Jeeps 😛 lol


A classification or category of "Panzerhaubitze" doesn't exist for WWII vehicles. They were actually classified as Artillerie-Selbstfahrlafette in WWII, with the sub-classifications of Leichte Artillerie-Selbstfahrlafette and Schwere Artillerie-Selbstfahrlafette. In English that was translated to (Light / Heavy) Self-Propelled Gun (SPG) and Mobile Artillery was also often used.


And I'm sorry, I should have added more information to my previous post. My bad.

There seems to be a lot of confusion between classifications and type naming. Panzerjäger is a general (and official, mind you!) classification while Jagdpanzer is a type name (to describe / name a certain number of vehicles with a specific task). Jagdpanzer is NOT a classification.

My main source of information is from the book "German Tanks of WW II" by Dr. S. Hart and Dr. R. Hart. It contains references to documents of the German Defense Ministry 1943-1945 on vehicles manufactured by BMM and Skoda (specifically, the Hetzer). It says Hetzers and similar vehicles fall under the panzerjäger classification.


Another reference is Osprey New Vanguard No. 36 - Jagdpanzer 38 Hetzer 1944-45.

The official name of the vehicle was:

Initially: Sturmgeschutz neuer Art / Sturmgeschutz 38(t)

Later on, renamed by General Heinz Guderian because he didn't command Sturmgeschutze, to "Leichte Panzerjäger auf 38(t)", just so he could lay claim on those vehicles as well.

General Guderian won out and the official name became "Panzerjäger 38 fur 7,5cm PaK 39 ( L/48 ) (Sd.Kfz.138/2)".

On 11th of September 1944 the name was officially renamed to "Jagdpanzer 38 - Panzerjäger 38 (7,5cm PaK 39 ( L/48 )) (Sd.Kfz.138/2)".


The same is true for the Jagdpanzer IV.

The early ( L/48 ) vehicle was officially called "Panzerjäger IV (Sd.Kfz.162)" (source: "Panzer Tracks No. 9 - Jagdpanzer", Thomas L. Jentz). But initially also "Sturmgeschütz neuer Art mit 7.5 cm Pak L/48 auf Fahrgestell PzKpfw IV".

The L/70 version was NOT named Jagdpanzer at all. It was officially called "Panzer IV L/70 (Sd.Kfz.162/1)". Two models were manufactured. By Vomag, indicated by (V) and Alkett, indicated by (A) in their respective names.

Alkett version: "Panzer IV L/70 (A) (Sd.Kfz.162/1)"
Vomag Version: "Panzer IV L/70 (V) (Sd.Kfz.162/1)"

The name Jagdpanzer IV L/70 was made up by "historians"...


The main training center for Hetzer crew was Milovice - panzerjägerschule. Hetzer vehicles were organised in panzerjäger units as part of infantry divisions (in a Panzerjäger Abteilung, Panzerjäger Kompanie or even StuG Kompanie).


Literal translations of the words panzer, jagdpanzer, panzerjäger, etc. etc. are not classifications. Jagdpanzer is the TYPE name of those vehicles, including the Hetzer, but a name is not a classification!

The "Panzerjäger" classification includes: Hetzer, Jagdpanzer IV, Jagdpanther, Jagdtiger, Marder, Hornisse, Nashorn, Elefant, StuG IV. Basically all tracked vehicles that carried an anti-tank gun.

StuIG33, Sturmpanzer, Sturmhaubitze and Stug, for instance, fall in the "Sturmartillerie" classification because they carry an artillery piece with the purpose of attacking and destroying fortifications. In English this classification is often referred to as SPG (Self-Propelled Gun) or Mobile Artillery.

The Stug, however, was kind of an odd ball in the range because depending on their armament some fall in the Sturmartillery classification and some fall in the Panzerjäger classification.


Anyway, I could write an entire book in this text box about naming conventions and classifications but I'm going to stop here. Everyone / anyone, take from it what you want or ignore it, the choice is yours 🙂 👍
 19 July 2014, 10:22
Choppa Nutta
will attend
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
20 June 2014, 17:52
David Styres
will attend
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
19 June 2014, 15:19
Mike Goldberg
Starting my M41 soon.
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
8 June 2014, 23:06
Murad ÖZER
will attend
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
26 May 2014, 12:16
Mike Goldberg
So what'll you build, Hunter?
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
Tutti i commenti (13) » 4 April 2014, 15:15
Mike Goldberg Autore
Scout cars don't work unless they're fully tracked vehicles. M3/M5 Stuarts work, all Pz. I/II, Pz. 35/38, M41, M51 Sheridan, etc. work. All fully tracked vehicles, classifed as light tanks, reconnaissance tanks, or tankettes work. Shermans do not because they are medium tanks.
 5 April 2014, 20:07
Hunter Cummins
Pzkpfw.II Ausf.J (HobbyBoss 83803, 1:35)
I will be entering this

 24 May 2014, 21:18
Dave Flitton
How do I add an album to this?
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
12 May 2014, 03:19
Hunter Cummins
Add the name of the Groupbuild into the title
 21 May 2014, 01:14
Dave Flitton Autore
 21 May 2014, 19:12
Alexander Voxlin
will attend
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
20 May 2014, 14:18
Alexander Voxlin Autore
T-26, Zvezda. Mod 1933.
 20 May 2014, 14:37
Alan Rush
will attend
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
24 April 2014, 15:46
Wayne Hale
will attend
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
23 April 2014, 00:32
Wayne Hale
I am planning on this. Can't decide on Panzer Kpfw. 38(t) or M3A1 Stuart. Any suggestions?
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
21 April 2014, 17:25
Hunter Cummins
I think the M3A1 would be cool to see
 21 April 2014, 18:03
william wise
will attend
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
20 April 2014, 03:40
william wise Autore
i jump in on this one not sure what to build but im leaning toward a Pz II but that means i will have to go buy one 🙂
 20 April 2014, 03:42
Lionel Marco
Hi guys!

I'm joining this event with a Toldi II, if it pleases you..
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
15 April 2014, 10:46
Mike Goldberg
Sure thing. Welcome aboard
 19 April 2014, 04:50
Lionel Marco Autore

Thank you!
Build is alreadu started, but I'm still waiting for some aftermarkets stuffs like tracks and gun barrel..
 19 April 2014, 06:56
Mike Goldberg
 19 April 2014, 17:44
Alan Rush
I think I could finish a kit by October. Looking at my stash, I have no light tanks to build. Hmmm.
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
Tutti i commenti (5) » 16 April 2014, 18:42
Alan Rush Autore
It's OK Mike. When dealing with a procrastinator like myself, never offer to extend the deadline! It will still be finished in a rush at the end anyway.
 19 April 2014, 04:58
Mike Goldberg
Ha. I'm a procrastinator as well. In the build on the Armorama site, which has been going on for more than two weeks now, I've just been pushing and pushing myself to get the kit that I'm working on done. The painting is where I can never quite seem to get done.
 19 April 2014, 05:04
Łukasz Gliński
Just started bulding the Panzer I Ausf.A in 1/72 by First to Fight
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
15 April 2014, 16:38
Mike Goldberg
Ok. Welcome on.
 19 April 2014, 04:51
George Bacon
I've got it narrowed down to a Renault R-35, Stuart M5A1, Vickers E (both A & B), TP-7, Panzer 1, Panzer 2, or something else... 🙁. Any suggestions?
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
16 April 2014, 01:52
Mike Goldberg
Any and all is fine if you're capable. 🙂 But the final decision is totally up to you.
 19 April 2014, 04:50
Barry Lloyd
will attend
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
16 April 2014, 19:27
Barry Lloyd Autore
Just noticed the groupbuild, as it happens I was given an AFV Club FV101 Scorpion for Christmas and I was wondering what to build next!
 16 April 2014, 19:33
Fabian D.
will attend
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
5 April 2014, 15:03
Fabian D. Autore
I´m switching now for a russian T-26, as I couln´t decide wich H-39 to kitbash with which (too many interresting choices there)... anyway, after starting a a giant roadsign (KV-2), I felt like getting a small one, too 😉
 15 April 2014, 21:14
Łukasz Gliński
will attend
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
15 April 2014, 16:37
Lionel Marco
will attend
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
15 April 2014, 10:45
Dave Flitton
will attend
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
11 April 2014, 03:21
Dave Flitton Autore
I guess I am already building mine!!! M5A1, M3A3, M3, M3A1
 11 April 2014, 03:23
Mike Goldberg
Ok. Good luck and have fun.
 15 April 2014, 06:53
Paul Green
will attend
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
8 April 2014, 10:52
Paul Green Autore
Is a Walker Bulldog classified as light? It's either that or another Panzer 1 !!
 12 April 2014, 08:36
Mike Goldberg
Yeah. Both are fine.
 15 April 2014, 06:52
Marco van den Hooven
will attend
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
11 April 2014, 09:56
Marco van den Hooven
Hi Guys,

Would a PT-76 fit this groupbuild?

PT-76B (Trumpeter 00381, 1:35)



Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
10 April 2014, 09:53
Mike Goldberg
Yes. A PT-76 fits
 11 April 2014, 03:05
Marco van den Hooven Autore
Nice, I'll join with this tank. It's already on its way to my house.
(Had to buy it, as I didnt have it in my stash)
 11 April 2014, 09:53
George Bacon
I'm in, but have to decide what to do🙂
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
10 April 2014, 16:01
George Bacon
will attend
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
10 April 2014, 16:00
Martyn Fox
will attend
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
9 April 2014, 18:17
Martyn Fox Autore
Thinking a Panzer 1 in 1/35?
 9 April 2014, 18:23
Mike Goldberg
That works.
 10 April 2014, 05:56
Martyn Fox
Count me in,I'll give it a bash. Not sure what to build yet. I'm going to another show on 12 April,so might see what offers the traders have🙂
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
9 April 2014, 18:19
Wim van der Luijt
will attend
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
5 April 2014, 16:44
Wim van der Luijt Autore
I'm doing a Panzer 1 in 1:48 scale Panzer 1 Ausf. B (Gaso.line GAS50114, 1:48)

 5 April 2014, 16:45
Hunter Cummins
You will go crazy with those tracks lol😉
 9 April 2014, 00:00
Fabian D.
well... that can be done in 1:72... so 1:48 should be slightly esaier 😉
 9 April 2014, 00:22
Hunter Cummins
will attend
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
3 April 2014, 23:02
Mike Goldberg
will attend
Light Tanks Groupbuild in
Light Tanks Groupbuild

3. Aprile fino a 31. Ottobre 2014
3 April 2014, 22:42