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Fokker Dr.I

Famous German Triplane during W.W.I flown by Red Baron Von Richthofen

Hasegawa | N. 50023 | 1:8

Boxart Fokker Dr.I 50023 Hasegawa

I fatti

Fokker Dr.I Famous German Triplane during W.W.I flown by Red Baron Von Richthofen
Kit completo
Messo in commercio:
2009 Nuovo stampo
Fokker Dr.I » Elica (Aereo)


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Recensioni in-box

Revisioni esterne

Non sappiamo se vi siano recensioni per questo (kit) Fokker Dr.I (#50023) da Hasegawa.


Is the Hatchette build the Red Baron's fighter a reboxing of this kit?
Is a 100 part magazine edition a kit?
Does it get classed as a bagged kit?
Tutti i commenti (16) » 1 May 2020, 04:44
Sorry wilky, this was the first time I have noticed your question. That is somehow a problem, to get noticed in the flood of postings of the huge amount of modellers ...
May be it is better to see which mates own a specific kit and ask them directly by PN so they get notified about your question.
As you can see in the attached projects I have build this Hasegawa kit. It is a great kit, the wings are wood and the fuselage structure (welded steel tubes on original) are made of some harder plastic. Some other parts are thin aluminium sheet (e.g. cowling) and fittings are white metal.
On the other side I have never seen the Hachette kit, so I can't say anything about it.
 21 July 2022, 12:46
wilky Autore
Thanks Bughunter, I'd rather not ask someone directly.
It is annoying enough to be generally ignored but personally ignored is worse.
Having had many trading PM's ignored I take that as a lesson.
Thankfully ebay is a good for research on the content of kits
 22 July 2022, 01:56


17 immagini
New Airscrew for the 1:8 Fokker Dr.IView album, image #10
Progetto: Fokker Dr.I
1:8 Fokker Dr.I (Hasegawa 50023)


Fokker Dr.I 1:8
Fokker Dr.I
Hasegawa 1:8
da Don Watson su Large Scale Planes
Fokker Dr.I 1:8
Fokker Dr.I
Hasegawa 1:8
da Patrick Chung su Hyperscale

Materiale di riferimento

Fokker F.1/Dr.I (Albatros Productions 02)
Fokker F.1/Dr.I
Scale Model Anthology Series N. 02
Ray Rimell, Richard Alexander
Fokker F.1/Dr.I (Albatros Productions )
Fokker F.1/Dr.I Vol.1
Ray Rimell, Richard Alexander

Tutti i libri » (17 in totale) Tutti i walkaround (immagini dei dettagli) » (3 in totale)