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10 immagini
Vegetation, plants, green stuff for dioramas
the leaves (= green paper) have to be coloured.
Tutti i commenti (7) » 6 1 March, 14:27

aggiunto un nuovo album fotografico.
8 immagini
B-4 203 mm howitzer, 1st Belorussian Front, Seelower Höhen April 1945
In the beginning I would like to represent a camouflaged howitzer but some russian fellow modellers told me the camoufla...
3 2 February, 19:55

aggiunto un nuovo album fotografico.
15 immagini
SAS Landrover Pink Panther 
More building done tonight, had a nice evening with some friends coming over, chatting, drinking and building :-)
Progetto: S.A.S. Land Rover Pink Panther
Tutti i commenti (18) » 14 9 March, 14:08

aggiunto un nuovo album fotografico.
8 3 January 2024, 13:20

I like to build them, the whole family. The biggest trucks of my childbood... buy they are pretty expensive and very difficult to buy.
1 12 April 2024, 17:54

miloss, I bought it from us for 39 euros. Relative to other models, it can be expensive, but I think it's worth it. Don't they bring them to you?((((
16 March, 10:16

aggiunto un nuovo album fotografico.
6 16 March, 09:46

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6 immagini
Overlooking Foy, 1945 | 1:48
Progetto: Bastogne, Winter January 1945
Tutti i commenti (5) » 15 15 March, 14:15

aggiunto un nuovo album fotografico.
188 immagini
Esci sdkfz 10/4.
And "Another one bites the dust" ;) :) :D Finally
Progetto: Sd.Kfz.10/4
Tutti i commenti (139) » 67 16 March 2015, 20:55

aggiunto un nuovo album fotografico.
Tutti i commenti (60) » 36 19 November 2024, 11:39

Thank you Jörg, gorby and Robert 🙂
@gorby, same here with the "WOW" noticing all your kind comments 🙂
1 16 March, 09:50

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6 immagini
Sea Vixen FAW.2 completed
I am well aware of this kit´s shortcomings, shapewise.
Progetto: Sea Vixen FAW.2
Tutti i commenti (11) » 31 15 March, 14:07

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Mig-29A Fulcrum A - DDR
Right, now that these are finished we can finally get that airframe going
Progetto: MiG-29A Fulcrum A - DDR
9 3 March, 17:33

I see your pain doing my first build in 20 years and having the same
1 3 March, 21:56

Following, I have the same kit to build and I've heard about the fit challenges 🙂
16 March, 09:47

aggiunto un nuovo album fotografico.
37 immagini
Capture and Recovery of Tiger 131, Going to need a bigger truck
Progetto: Capture and recovery of Tiger 131
6 15 March, 19:31

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4 immagini
USS New Jersey (Revell 1:1200)
All the parts are filed, sanded and temporarily assembled.
Progetto: USS New Jersey
15 March, 08:09

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Tutti i commenti (34) » 53 15 December 2024, 17:39

Thanks a ton for the incredible support! I'm absolutely captivated by this model, very complex but amazing fun to build ! 😃✨
16 March, 09:00

aggiunto un nuovo album fotografico.
Tutti i commenti (61) » 86 11 February 2023, 13:04

aggiunto un nuovo album fotografico.
1 15 March, 22:01

Nice. It brings back memories.
If you go to 'Manage' and the 'Advanced options' you can change the orientation of your photos.
16 March, 08:34

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8 immagini
USAirfix 1/72 A-7A Corsair II
Progetto: USAirfix 1/72 A-7A Corsair II
4 16 March, 05:29

Following 👍. I am building the Matchbox version of the A-7 D, it'll be interesting to see the differences with the Airfix one you're doing
16 March, 06:24

Very interesting salvaging of a vintage looking kit! But what is that blue stuff on the right wing?
16 March, 08:07

aggiunto un nuovo album fotografico.
7 immagini
D.H.104 Dove OE-BVM 1958/Austrian Federal Office for Civil Aviation
Let the fun begin,....
Tutti i commenti (6) » 7 15 March, 17:27